Whee! New Translations!

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Staff member
I got to thinking the other day about our very diverse board and I thought, "Man! Wouldn't it be cool to have more languages?"


Check out the flags at the bottom of the screen and click on your flag (British flag is English).

Have fun!


Staff member
Okay, so the translations aren't exactly as we'd like them to be....


But it's better than nothing!

---------- Post added at 04:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

How do other languages translate? Apparently the Finnish needs some work...


Staff member
I hope nobody tries to translate one of my particularly vicious rants. I cursed like a one-eyed sailor, and thought it best to put it in Finnish because of that...
Dutch is terrible too.

Doesn't translate Have Fun. And what it does translate is a bablefish translation.


Staff member
Phew... It didn't translate my rant. It's a good thing, too... since one of my expressions included a defecation reference to 2012.


Staff member
So is this worthless? Or will it be worthwhile to keep around, even though it's not perfect?


Staff member
Or... let's see now.

Vittu saatana perkele jumalauta. Sikainfluenssa. Panin äitiänne. Yoko Ono laulaa kuin vanha lehmä.

Nope... doesn't translate. Good. Now I can keep cussin' ;)
French is less awkward, but still not perfect and doesn't translate a bunch of things. I'd check for other languages but don't know any others.

Sorry Dave, this seems like a bad decision. :(


Staff member
Dave, the problem with computerized translations is that in terms of language, computers are more stupid than a bunch of drunken hillbillies with matches. They take everything too literally, don't understand regional variants or word order, and mess up words that have multiple meanings.
Dutch isn't so bad actually. Obviously grammar and such are horrid, but you can make out what people are saying. Still, I'd rather see the actual original post since that gives you a feel on how it is meant. Automated translations suck for discussions, but for raw data it's fine.
I love babelfish translations, so I find this to be funny. The spanish is kinda cute, like a bunch of stupid robots talking. Catalan gives me a database error. Now I'll try it in Italian.

Also, it translates my nickname! Say "hola" to "Gelatina de Plata"!


Italian is awful. It's like I'm playing the original Monkey Island in italian, wich had the words translated, but they didnt work together at all. *shudder*

Also, it makes words up! "Back tu human", under my nickname, becomes what would mean "Back for human health"
Machine translation, as everyone has found, is pretty much worthless if you're trying to get a serious, coherent translation. But I think it at least helps people get a gist of what's being said if someone posts in another language.

Also, "Turnings of Finnish create desire of casting vomit" was translated in Chinese as "Turning (as in turning a car) Finnish create lust of forging vomit"
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