When is it harassment, and when is it stalking?

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Two situations, both involving the same (now former) friend that I helped move to California..

1: said friend made a fake named account on Facebook to spy on his ex wife. He has been married for 3 years.

2: said friend and I had 2 (verbal) fights in 1 day, resulting in the end of our friendship and me coming home sooner than expected and cancelling all plans for California. I told him to leave me alone, and reinforced that with having a close friend emailing him a really nice letter asking him to leave me alone. Moments ago I received a Facebook invitation from one of his close friends in California, who I know to be a police officer in Lake Elsinore. I declined of course, but now I'm starting to worry a bit.

Advice? Restraining order?
You had a close friend contact him and bow he's having one contact you. I don't see the big deal other than the apparent drama.

Just ignore it. So long as he doesn't actually come up to you to mess with you it's all good.


Yeah im not sure what the grounds for restraining order would be. There doesnt seem to be any threat of violence or anything.


maybe he egged his house WHILE sleeping with his mom.

i want to see that...


Staff member
Save any written correspondence that makes you feel threatened for future use. If there isn't any, just ignore him.
Ok, I want to make sure I got this right-

You told someone who was a friend to fuck off and leave ya alone. Now he's trying to be friends.

I don't think there is any harassment going on. Just ignore it. Unless he's leaving flaming bags of poo on your doorstep, I really don't see where the harassment is happening.

If you get flaming bags of poo, take pictures.


Id stay the fuck away from that guy. He's definitely stalking his ex. And may want to use the same methods on you now, for whatever reason.

He hasn't done anything that would warrant any legal action. Being a dick and having a friend try and friend you on Facebook isn't a crime.

Still. Stay the fuck away from him.

my 2ct.

Oh, and yeah.. you had someone else write him? Is this a habit of you and your friends? that confused me a bit.
No it's not a habit it's just this guy is SOO frustrating to try and talk with and reason to that it's a futile attempt for him to listen to anything I say. Words coming from someone ELSE, he'll maybe listen to.

Wasabi Poptart

Dude, didn't you have a paranoid thread a while ago about motorcyclist being outside you house or shop or something?

Is this a habit?
Two Hell's Angels were in the parking lot outside of his shop.
Dude, didn't you have a paranoid thread a while ago about motorcyclist being outside you house or shop or something?

Is this a habit?

Maybe this guy is a biker!

What if his biker ex friend is having someone else contact him on facebook!

Buy a gun because he's using his dirty cop connections! Watch the death wish movies and just do what he does. This can't go wrong.
I'm a little wary of believing they were Hells Angels. My parents are members of a bike group and they get denied access to a lot of places because people assume they are Hells Angels. Big, loud bikes and leather equate Hells Angels in a large amount of peoples minds.

However, I don't know what he saw...but I think at that time he got shat upon for being a bit over dramatic as well.


that's right, I forgot what you guys are like. Silly me looking for help.
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