Where Mah HORROR PEEPS at?! [Books]

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Philosopher B.

So I was lookin' at the list of books I read this year, and I realized Stephen King is all over that shit ... BUT, I own (and have read) almost no non-King horror fiction, except for Lovecraft and some other weird tales (I'm covered on that Yog-Sothoth tip, yo), so I wondered if you aesthetically pleasing (in other words fly) peep-a-doodles could tell me:

What are some radtastic, bombastic non-King horror books to read?


Staff member
Aww.... they should make marshmallow Peeps that are dressed up like Dracula and ghosts and stuff...

I am interested in reading more horror too. Sleeping peacefully has become a little boring. So I'm all ears too.
I love Steve King - currently reading The Stand and Under the Dome.

Dean Koontz has some decent stuff, and is actually highly recommended by King.

I read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy a couple of months ago, it got great reviews, but I hated it.

I've been reading a bunch of short story Zombie anthologies lately. These are pretty good: http://www.amazon.com/New-Dead-Zombie-Anthology/dp/0312559712 The New Dead has some really great stories in it, the best one is actually by Stephen King's son written in the form of a Twitter feed.

http://www.amazon.com/Living-Dead-J...=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1293814349&sr=1-1 I've only just started this one, but it's pretty good thus far.

I have this one http://www.amazon.com/Best-New-Zomb...6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1293814409&sr=1-6-spell on Kindle, and the first story (which is more like a novella), is really, really well written.

Also, while he doesn't write horror, Chuck Palanhniuk is a friggin amazing author. He borders on horror and sci fi, I think. Here's one of his "horror-type" short stories: http://chuckpalahniuk.net/features/shorts/guts
Can comics count? Because comics I can recommend. :p

-Swamp Thing (specifically Alan Moore's run)
-Walking mothereffing Dead, of course
I'm going to second Dean Koontz. Most of his stuff is kinda sci-fi/fantasy but there is one book that freaked the SHIT out of me. The Taking (or was it The Taken?) will keep you up at night. :p

Philosopher B.

Old Koontzy, eh? His is a name I've seen around book sales, I just wasn't familiar enough to pick anything up (plus I get enough boxes full as it is, lol). I'll be sure to check the brother out, plus the zombie stuff. It's funny Palahniuk and McCarthy should come up, I just got into those dudes recently.

Can comics count?
Why yes, yes they can. In fact I am severely undernourished when it comes to comics. Horror-wise, I've pretty much just read Hellboy. I'll be ordering some stuff off of Amazon with Christmas money, I may add some of these horror comics to the cart.

Dave said:
I'm rereading the Harry Dresden books again by Jim Butcher.
I actually have the first one around here somewhere, my bookshelf had to be moved though, so I have to dig through some stuff to get it. But I definitely want to get into that series.


Staff member

Seej, you tell me how you liked that comic, ASAP!
Ho-lyyyyy CRAP what a great read! What drew me to it was a cover with a hen in an apron holding up her own fried leg on a plate. My local shop had issues 13-16, and they had me rolling. It's so strange and hilarious, and the art is just wonderful. And the lady who runs the shop told me that a guy from LA worked on it! Looking forward to getting more! It didn't really strike me as horror... more like dark comedy. There was a Pulp Fiction spoof going on. Maybe I'm not into the horror part yet.
Yeah, Chew's not so much horror, but it sort of is. I'd say horror/comedy, in the sense that there's quite a bit of gore in it.
Henry James - The Turn of the Screw. Public domain, maybe the best ghost story written.

Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves. slow to start, but brilliant once you're in. Serious mindfuck.

Bram Stoker - Dracula. Fair warning: no sparkling in the sunlight.

Mary Shelly - Frankenstein. Don't underestimate the classics. This and Dracula are still so good.

I'll think of more. It's funny - I've read so many that it's hard to grab one out of my mind now.

Philosopher B.

Whoops forgot to mention Dracula and Frankenstein. I've read both twice actually. But I'll be sure to check out the other stuff! :)


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Dracula is wonderful. I have a huge, beautiful annotated copy of it. I love to flip through it. Carmilla is also a great read. Just got around to it this past year.
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