This is starting to sound like a scam. Are you from Nigeria?
Allen who is Quiet
Yes, but I really will invite you to google+. Added at: 10:42
Going to be away for a little while. Keep PMing me and I'll send invites when I get back.
It's so googly! Added at: 13:58
So it's hard to find people without knowing their real name or email (this is a good thing I think). Anywho I'm making a Halforums circle, anyone that wants to add me to G+ I'll add them back in return.
So, Google+ is eventually going to be open to everybody, right? I just want to know if there's any benefit to getting in early beyond 'dood, I'm in.'
My biggest problem is that I have a metric fuckton of people it's pulling in due to it looking through my gmail account and pulling out every obscure person I've ever conversed with. So there's a ton of people I have no idea who they are.
I know I don't have to add them, but I DO have to wade through them to find people I know and some people I know their handle and not so much their real name.
I'll see if it catches on. Right now, it's the "cool internet thing" to try out. I didn't join Facebook until pretty much all my friends were already on there. Got a Twitter but almost never use it.
I don't like the interface very much. It is so blah.
No, Bumble. Give me your ADDRESS and I'll make your dreams come true. If you know what I mean...
Assuming your dream is to be robbed by a fat guy.
Allen who is Quiet
Bumble, give me superpowers.
Silver Jelly
I'm there too. I'm also a cool guy.
Chad Sexington
I'm on, but no offense, I will probably get tired of seeing posts from people whose lives I know nothing of... However, having stalked all the linked profiles now, I will say how pleased I am that most of you have managed to include profile pics of some sort. Most of my friends still have the ugly anonymous blue head thing. Lame, and not at all aesthetically pleasing.
I still have the ugly blue thing, and yes, I agree that I am lame.
I need an updated picture that isn't 2 years old. Unfortunately I take horrible pictures.
Fun Size
Actually, that's funny. As the camera wielder, there are almost never any current pictures of me in existence. Hell, I took my current profile pic, and that was just for a gag.
Any one else still using this? Got an invite last night and while it seems like it could be interesting there doesn't seem to be much to it at the moment and few people actually using it.
Anyone wanting an invite as well I could definitely send some if you pm me your email.
Chad Sexington
Isn't it public now? I use mine a lot. I vastly prefer it to Facebook.
Allen who is Quiet
I use mine all the time. If I'm not seeing a lot of stuff from people, I figure they're just sharing with circles I'm not a part of.
I like following webcomic artists on g+ since it's easier for them to post art than it is on twitter. Anthony Clark posted a pretty bitchin' series of wizards a couple of days ago.