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Whoa, tthis is some savage shit right here



Frankie Williamson

http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/ ... 6065.story

There's a video in the link

WEST PALM BEACH - Even for the crime-infested Dunbar Village public housing community, it was an unspeakable attack.

A week before trial was set to begin for two of the four teens charged in the 2007 crime -- that made international headlines for its brutality -- the youngest of the defendants pleaded guilty as charged today to all 14 counts against him.

The incident shined a spotlight on West Palm Beach's oldest public housing complex.

With no promises of leniency, Avion Lawson, 14 at the time and 16 now, agreed to cooperate fully and testify against co-defendants Nathan Walker, now 18; Jakaris Taylor, now 17; and Tommy Poindexter, now 20. Authorities say at least six other suspects remain at large.

Ten armed, masked men had forced their way into an apartment and over three hours raped and sodomized a woman while beating her 12-year-old son and forcing him to watch the savagery perpetrated on his mother. It ended with the mother and son being forced to have sex, then having household chemicals doused on them in an attempt to cover up the physical evidence.

Their truck and phone stolen, the victims walked a mile to Good Samaritan Medical Center for help.

Lawson's voice was barely audible as he stood beside his attorney, Bert Winkler, and his mother, Cathy Lawson, to accept responsibility for his crimes: eight counts of sexual battery by multiple perpetrators with a firearm while wearing a mask; burglary with assault with a firearm while wearing a mask; kidnapping and kidnapping a victim under 13, both with a firearm while wearing a mask; promoting sexual performance of a child with a firearm while wearing a mask; grand theft auto with a firearm while wearing a mask; and impairing or impeding a telephone.

Circuit Judge Krista Marx set Lawson's sentencing for Oct. 13, after Walker, Poindexter and Taylor's cases have gone to trial.

State sentencing guidelines vary greatly, anywhere from 49 years to 11 life sentences, according to the judge, who ultimately will decide whether Lawson deserves a break.

\"Avion wants very much to do the right thing,\" Winkler said afterward. \"He's taking responsibility for everything he did and is going to cooperate fully with the state and testify, if called.\"

Walker's attorney, Robert Gershman questioned Lawson's decision.

\"I was surprised he would plead straight up with no promises as to punishment and expose himself to multiple life sentences,\" Gershman said, adding that he doesn't think Lawson's testimony will affect his case. \"I think that his testimony will be the weakest evidence for the state. He's not to be believed. The statements he's made in the past and the issues he has discussed, I believe, are not congruent with the evidence.\"

Walker and Poindexter are set for trial Tuesday. Taylor is to follow Sept. 15. Public Defender Carey Haughwout, who represents Poindexter, declined to comment today. Taylor's attorney, Chris Haddad, was unavailable because of a death in the family.

Lawson is to be deposed by his co-defendants' lawyers on Monday morning. The first of the four arrested, Lawson initially confessed his involvement to West Palm Beach police after learning his DNA had been found on a condom left at the scene. The attackers wore masks and had hoped to steal money and jewelry that night, according to prosecutors. By the time Lawson was inside the two-bedroom apartment, he encountered the woman in bed with three other masked men around her, he said.

Lawson told police he participated in the sexual assault and then stole two video games and a truck. Police recovered the video games inside the Dunbar Village apartment of Lawson's grandmother, Johnnie Mae Wilkerson, with whom Lawson often stayed.

At the time of his arrest, Lawson was as seventh-grader at an alternative middle school. His mother, Cathy Lawson, sobbed after deputies led her son from the courtroom. To avoid the throng of media, Cathy Lawson left through a side door.

Though Avion Lawson pleaded guilty to all of the offenses, he didn't actually \"do each one,\" Winkler said, explaining that his client is guilty under something known as the principal theory, also known as being an accomplice.

\"He was involved . . . and he's very sorry for what he did and the role he played in this,\" Winkler said. \"We'll put our faith in Judge Marx to make a wise decision.\"
Man, that is just, just wow.




Whoa, tthis is some savage poop right here



I can't even imagine the kind of group insanity that would need to take place for that to happen




Well this should be a quick and easy case. Maximum punishments all around.




Whoa, tthis is some savage poop right here

And save the government some money, just shoot them all. They don't deserve to live.




Whoa, tthis is some savage poop right here

SeriousJay said:
And save the government some money, just shoot them all. They don't deserve to live.
Why waste bullets? a nice rope will be just as good and can be used in each one them.




Whoa, tthis is some savage poop right here

Good idea.




Whoa, tthis is some savage poop right here

Ok, I can at least rationalize why they would rape the mother and even beat the child.
Why the hell would they make them have sex?



I don't think rationalize is the word you're looking for blotsfan. I know what you mean but I can't think of a word for it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Sounds like Haiti.




To take your control over the victims to the absolute extreme, and to try and not only completely break and destroy them, but also to dehumanize them. It's a strange thing, you know, but it's quite common in warzones. There's a reason that it's common practise in large parts of Eastern Congo (you know, that war the US likes to prettend doesn't exist) to have your children sleep over at the neighbours' place, and have their children stay over at yours. It's so, when you do get raped and are forced to do anything and everything, at least it's not with your relatives, but "just" the neighbours. Great region to live in, that.

Anyway, the "point", as far as there is one, is twofold. Just raping the victims yourself may fulfill some of your own urges, but it doesn't completely indicate that the victims are subjugated and will follow your every command - they can just lie there and take it. Making them have sex with ones they don't want to have sex with; usually close family though in some cases also animals and corpses (...of relatives. I've read some quite sick accounts on the Congo war. Unless you think forcing a grandfather to rape his grandchild's corspe isn't just completely nightmare-inducing), is the ultimate way of debasing them and making it clear to the world that these are yours, and they will do anything you say.
At the same time, these same acts have been identified as a justification of most other attrocities commited against them. Even thoguh they *are* being forced to do it, the fact that they *do*, in the eye of the attacker, makes them less human - humans wouldn't lower themselves thus. The victims, therefore, aren't quite human but mere beasts, obviously validating other crimes commited against them. It's a funny trick of human psychology, that.




People suck.

Nuke us from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.




The end is nigh.




I think that movie Legion
bhamv3 said:
People suck.

Nuke us from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

EsteBeatDown said:

The end is nigh.
I think that movie Legion might be on to something with the whole God exterminating the human race... :confused:

I don't actually believe that, there are horrible horrible people in this world sure but as a whole I think humanity is mostly good.
