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recommended Spoony to me, I'm loving you for it right now.

I've been watching his videos (started with FF8) I have to say, I'm highly entertained and am glad the videos are nice and long.

Anyonelse watch the Spoon man?




I believe it was me and yes, Spoony is my favorite Team Awesome Affiliate. He's got that balance down of serious reviewing and crazy, off the wall hilarity that many of people can't get down. My fav SWAT video is the one where he runs into the hobo and starts impersonating Chester A. Bum from That Guy with the Glasses as he pepper sprays him into submission.




Seriously, these SWAT videos are great. I could just sit and watch him talk/play this for hours.

I'm really dissapointed that he's not finished with "Ripper" yet as that was a freakin gas.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Gonna check out more; I watched a bit more of the FF8 stuff and it was great. Him breaking down at times, "I hate this game so fucking much..."




Seriously, these SWAT videos are great. I could just sit and watch him talk/play this for hours.

I'm really dissapointed that he's not finished with "Ripper" yet as that was a freakin gas.
He started Ripper a while back and then got sidetracked; he's only just got back into doing videos for it. If you like the Ripper stuff, you should watch his Phantasmagoria run. It's the video series that was too hot for Youtube, which is why he's using bliptv now.




He started Ripper a while back and then got sidetracked; he's only just got back into doing videos for it. If you like the Ripper stuff, you should watch his Phantasmagoria run. It's the video series that was too hot for Youtube, which is why he's using bliptv now.
I point out (as I sure Mr. Burner X was aware) that he was "sidetracked" by his camera not recording sound and moving into a new home (though I am not sure if he still lives with his parents).

Anyhow, watch his movie review of Clones Of Bruce Lee. It's pretty epic. Also, Microcasm's game review is hilarious.




If you ever talk to him tell him Edrondol from Fantasy Football said hi.




My favorite review by him is when he switches with Linkara and does the Warrior comic.

That one is just off the fucking wall.




SWAT Mission#10 :rofl:
Muskow! Muskow!
Make training for police video!




The last 4minutes after the logo just had me gasping.

I'm officially a Spoony fan.




He started Ripper a while back and then got sidetracked; he's only just got back into doing videos for it. If you like the Ripper stuff, you should watch his Phantasmagoria run. It's the video series that was too hot for Youtube, which is why he's using bliptv now.
Hour 2.... Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich....

If I'm not dead from laughter by the end of this website, I am immortal.




He started Ripper a while back and then got sidetracked; he's only just got back into doing videos for it. If you like the Ripper stuff, you should watch his Phantasmagoria run. It's the video series that was too hot for Youtube, which is why he's using bliptv now.
Hour 2.... Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich....

If I'm not dead from laughter by the end of this website, I am immortal.[/QUOTE]

Phantamagoria is one of the best reviews on the site.

You should still watch The Warrior though. :p




He started Ripper a while back and then got sidetracked; he's only just got back into doing videos for it. If you like the Ripper stuff, you should watch his Phantasmagoria run. It's the video series that was too hot for Youtube, which is why he's using bliptv now.
Hour 2.... Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich....

If I'm not dead from laughter by the end of this website, I am immortal.[/QUOTE]

Phantamagoria is one of the best reviews on the site.

You should still watch The Warrior though. :p[/QUOTE]
Oh I'm going through them ALL. No worries.




Spoony also tends to do crossover stuff with Linkara, Paw, or the others. Thankfully, he usually mentions it on his site.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Good gods, we just finished Hour 3 of Phantasmagoria. The guy in the hospital he keeps clicking... Faline and I sat here out breath, and he just kept going with it. The next guy he clicked was the last straw; I had to pause the video so we could settle down or else we couldn't hear anything else.

About to watch Hour 4. Fucking awesome stuff.




I've almost completely finished his "video list" of reviews now, I've had more fun on his site than any other video reviewer site out there. No question.

I'll take him playing with action figures over most reviewers "funny skits" any day of the week.



my god. I spent more than fifteen minutes listening to this guy....

I want to kill everyone who ever enjoyed his work.



I've been watching alot his videos today. His Yor: Hunter from the Future review had me in stitches.




Ok this guy is like a more funny version of ThatGuyWithGlasses

His Indy4 review was fucking GOLD. "I hate to say it about Spielberg but he made a movie worse than Michael Bay. Like god damn, seriously?!"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

my god. I spent more than fifteen minutes listening to this guy....

I want to kill everyone who ever enjoyed his work.
Sincerely, or is this a rag on the people who every time Nostalgia Critic is mentioned they have to make sure everyone is reminded that they hate him?



Ok this guy is like a funny version of ThatGuyWithGlasses
Fixed that for you. The problem with ThatGuy is that his "goofy real life shit" schtick reeks all to high hell of schtick, and there always seems to be way more than is necessary. Spoony has a bit of it in his FF8 reviews that falls flat on its face too, but he does occasionally manage to pull it off every now and again.

His Indy4 review was fucking GOLD. "I hate to say it about Spielberg but he made a movie worse than Michael Bay. Like god damn, seriously?!"
I loved how 3/4 of the way through he claimed he was going to stop, and then continued, saying he was going to stop a few more times before actually turning off the vid, and then turning it back on because he remembered even more retarded shit from the movie.




Wow, thank you Spoony.

Shia LaButtfuck.
That is my new name for that actor. No question. (Just watched the Indy 4 review)




LOL, the Spoony / Linkara crossover!

Of course I'm totally lost on the ongoing plot, since I haven't watched it all, but those two work together well.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I spent more that five hours watching videos on that site...

Thank you, but also damn you for making me check it out!




Okay, this is just too funny. Instead of repeating the story here I'll just copypaste the e-mail I felt compelled to send Spoony

Dear Noah,

I am a long time watcher of your videos and count myself among your fans. However, this e-mail is not about me. Let me explain.

September of last year I was fired from my job a day after I told them I was pregnant. They claimed it was due to me having taken too many sick days but that's a whole other story. Unable to secure a job at first because the poor economy and then because of widening frame I was forced to take on the role of 'house wife' at the age 22. This left with an excess of free time on my hands. So, during the pregnancy I watched a lot of videos from different reviewers but I have always found your to be the most cathartic and smile inducing. When ever I was feeling down I would just pop on one your videos and it cheered me up.

Fast forward to today, I am now the mother of a healthy four month old and haven't had much free time until recently to sit down and watch videos again. It was a few days ago I made a startling discovery. Jet (my baby boy) was being very disagreeable, having been poked at by doctors all day in preparation for some surgery he'll be under going this coming Friday. I was trying to comfort him but my nerves were beginning to fray as well so I turned on the new review you did with Linkara to help me calm down. The moment you started speaking Jet quieted and stared at the screen, enthralled.

Then when Doctor Insano appeared he started laughing like I have never heard him before.

I have since sat and watched several of your videos with him and the effect hasn't yet worn off. He continuously smiles and laughs at you then gets fussy at me when the video ends. Although, I should mention that I also watch a lot of Linkara videos and they have similar ffect except instead of laughing he just 'talks' to the screen.

The only way I can logically explain his amusement with you is this: I have a lap top and during my pregnancy I used to rest it on my stomach. I believe he may have been able to hear you via the lap top speakers. Weird, no?

Anyways, I thought this information would bring a smile to your face.

Yours Truly,

H.E.L. and Jet




That is FANTASTIC Sin! You have GOT to let us know what he replies!



I baww'd


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Me too




I've gone through over 30 pages of his blog.... and I'm actually worried I'm going to be done with it all soon.... :tear:




I've gone through over 30 pages of his blog.... and I'm actually worried I'm going to be done with it all soon.... :tear:
He put up a bunch yesterday, including one about DDO.








I didn't really understand his problem with there not being a plot for most of Persona 3... the main plot was always there in the background, but during that time the sub-plots for the characters were what was taking shape. Yeah, they don't really touch on the Shadows too much, but they weren't the real enemy ether.

In any case, I sent him a tweet to go check out Persona 4. The plot in that one was better paced. It also made the characterization of the MC in the social links more of a person with different facets to their personality and less manipulative jerk, feeding people lines to get what he wants.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I have not seen any of these, but just knowing someone else played through Ripper and that Klingon game is mind blowing enough.




There’s been a small amount of Internet furor over an angry, dismissive negative review by Roger Ebert of the movie Fanboys: a review that can, at best, be described as an outright flame of fandom everywhere. The controversy isn’t over the film itself (which, admittedly, does not look very good), but that the ‘Bert claimed that Star Wars fanboys, and indeed, anyone who would consider sitting in line for a week waiting for a theater screening (Browncoats, Trekkies, you name it) are living an “idiotic lifestyle.”

This puts me in a weird position. Most of the work I’ve done for years is the critical equivalent of uppercutting fandom in the balls. I started by spending about five straight months writing essays about why Star Wars sucks and why Boba Fett is a phony. I’ve taken shots at Whovians, Battlestar fans, and of course, Squareheads (my term for Final Fantasy geeks). And yet, I feel directly insulted by Ebert’s remarks. I’ll be the first to admit hypocrisy in taking the fans’ side here, but I’m asking for a letter of marque on this one.

In an attempt to (weakly) justify myself, yes, I do enjoy tipping the sacred cows of fandom every once in a while. It’s fun watching fans get militant and flustered in impotent Internet rage, posting screaming, incoherent diatribes online in retaliation. Once again, I think it all comes back to my own unique blend of hypocrisy and my self-effacing nature. For every Star Wars slam I make, I expose an irrational worship of the old sci-fi show Sliders. Every time I issue an Internet bitchslap against people arguing who the best Doctor is, I’m embroiled in another argument about whether Deckard was a Replicant, and getting in my trillionth argument about AD&D alignments in another forum thread. I’m a fan. My crusade is against blind worship. I love a lot of weird stuff, but I can still admit that it’s flawed. I don’t care that you love Doctor Who, but don’t try to claim that it’s never sucked. It has. It does. But real fans can still love something in spite of– no, because of its flaws.

That’s me. I love you guys, and you’re a load of flawed, screwed-up weirdos. But that’s okay. I am your king, and you are not alone.

I’ve raged against furries and weird transgender moogle porn, but damn it, this is America! You want to jerk off to Filthy Multitasking Quistis, hell, throw that picture on the ground, huddle up, and I’ll put five bucks on whoever can bust a nut on her face first. You are not stupid for seeking people you identify with. You are not an idiot for finding friends and feeling like you have somewhere you belong. Your particular brand of happiness might be pretty fucked-up, but you’re not fucked-up for pursuing that happiness. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, wave that freak flag high.

Final Fantasy VIII may suck, and you may suck for liking it, but I’m the captain of this suck-filled leaking failboat, and I’m not going to have some jerkoff movie critic who’s never cracked a Player’s Handbook in his life call my homies STUPID.
All hail Spoony! Down with the Ebert!



Is it weird that I want to somehow hook my computer up to a big screen TV, get a bunch of friends together one weekend, gather snacks, and spend five hours watching the Phantasmagoria review with them?

That thing was better than any other comedy movie I've ever seen. The rest of the website didn't disappoint.

All hail Spoony!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Yeah, I would show the whole Phantasmagoria review to my friends if it weren't five hours.

Still, five hours of AWESOME.




I wouldn't watch an HOUR of any other reviewer, but I sat through 3 of the first 5 hours of Phantasmagoria the first time around.




I was up till 3 this morning watching the FFVIII reviews. Gold. Going to make my way through the rest of the stuff as soon as I have the time.




What I first did, was watch the FFVIII reviews, then ALL the video reviews. What I should have done, which I'm doing now, is go through the entire archive of the Blog and watch the videos in order of which he released them. You can see the progression of his site/style MUCH better that way.




Second page and no one has mentioned Spoony's theme song yet? "Break Me" by the Irresponsibles has some great energy and is much better than any other opening theme on That Guy With the Glasses. (Though I'd have to say I like the Totally Rad Show's opening better, if we were to open the field to other web video.)




What I first did, was watch the FFVIII reviews, then ALL the video reviews. What I should have done, which I'm doing now, is go through the entire archive of the Blog and watch the videos in order of which he released them. You can see the progression of his site/style MUCH better that way.
I did a couple Swat4 and the entire FFVIII first. Not sure what to watch next.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The horrific office politics of PHANTASMAGORIA!




I just got through the 1yr Anniversary brawl, then the Vblog on the visit, and the Commentary on the brawl...

I can't help it.... I'm officially a Spoony Fangirl. :eek: Which is something I haven't been in a long time. If ever I'm in Arizona, I can honestly see myself trying to rig together a meeting/outing with the guy. Play some D&D/games/movies. That would just be all kinds of awesome. :uhhuh:




Got about 3 hours of the Phantasmagoria down. My God, it's hilarious. Like an MST3K of video games.

I heard that, Currrtis!
