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why are you here?



not here, on the forum, per se, but why are you alive? Do you have a reason for existence? A sense of destiny? Purpose?





To be tortured on a day to day basis, kept from ever having anything that could possibly make me happy.




To be tortured on a day to day basis, kept from ever having anything that could possibly make me happy.
you are here to serve my whim, or suffer. I meant the humans that I didn't claim as mine. :p




Not really. I don't really think we're here for a reason or that anyone has a "destiny" or silly stuff like that.

Glad I am here, at least right now.



I'm here to see what comes next and enjoy my life while I can.

I'm also here to remind of the mess you left when you went away.




I am here to make the occasional person laugh and to annoy my fiends and family with logic.

(oh and to feed my cat!)





To be tortured on a day to day basis, kept from ever having anything that could possibly make me happy.
Honestly... this is exactly how I feel. For different reasons, but the same sentiment. It sometimes feels like my existance serves as but a warning to others. "This could be you, if you don't conform."




I'm here because my parents had sex, didn't abort, and my mom pushed me out of her vagina







To learn.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

To drink, F*ck, and be merry.



Frankie Williamson

I'm here because my mom got into an accident, lost her first child, moved away from and broke up with her then fiance over the whole ordeal and met my father where she moved to. That's some shitty random chance. My never born older sister had to die for my life to have been possible.


Cuyval Dar

fuuuuuuck this thread is depressing /juski




I'm here because of PvP and I found a great community within it's forum.




I'm here because of PvP and I found a great community within it's forum.
not here, on the forum, per se, but why are you alive? Do you have a reason for existence? A sense of destiny? Purpose?


Rob King

Rob King

I am here because that's just what happened. You can call it chance or God or what have you, but some force, blind or otherwise, put me here. As for a purpose, I satisfy myself with contributing to the evolution of my race by championing what I perceive to be the societal good.




I'm here because of a hickey.


Rob King

Rob King

Oh, I forgot to include this, (because every thread is improved by the Melancholy Dane)

Soren Kierkegaard said:
Where am I? Who am I?
How did I come to be here?
What is this thing called the world?
How did I come into the world?
Why was I not consulted?
And If I am compelled to take part in it,
Where is the director?
I want to see him.




I'm here to ROCK!


Wasabi Poptart

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.




i am here because my father fucked my mother 30 years ago.

There's no such shit as a calling, destiny, fate, whatever you call it.

life is just a bunch of choices, coincidences and a unhealthy dose of "shit happens"



i am here because my father fucked my mother 30 years ago.

There's no such shit as a calling, destiny, fate, whatever you call it.

life is just a bunch of choices, coincidences and a unhealthy dose of "shit happens"

Hey me too! Except it was 27 years ago for me. Awesome!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


EDIT: Wooo, morning posts... Whenever I write something while having breakfast, It's usually not really understandable...



Not sure but I think Rush had a tuneful thought on the subject....




I'm here just because.




Ha... the right question is WHAT DO YOU WANT?


Kitty Sinatra

I'm here because I'm alive, and being alive I want to stay alive and pass on my genes. So I'm here to procreate.




I'm here because my dad was horny on Valentine's day.




To walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures. Like Caine from Kung Fu.




I'm here to find out why I'm here.




I'm here because of PvP and I found a great community within it's forum.
not here, on the forum, per se, but why are you alive? Do you have a reason for existence? A sense of destiny? Purpose?
Eh, I don't really give a damn. I feel as though I answered a better question than the one Crone asked.

The reason why I'm here is the same reason why everyone else is here... I was born, and I haven't died yet.




Eh, I don't really give a damn. I feel as though I answered a better question than the one Crone asked.




To pick an area of focus and experience as much of it as I can, good and bad.




I'm here because I haven't died.




Meh, why the fuck not?


Fun Size

Fun Size

I am here to be a constant source of joy for everyone who comes into contact with me.

How am I doing?




I am here to be a constant source of joy for everyone who comes into contact with me.

How am I doing?
I feel queasy. . . . :(


Fun Size

Fun Size

I am here to be a constant source of joy for everyone who comes into contact with me.

How am I doing?
I feel queasy. . . . :([/quote]

I see...I see.

Well, does my making BlackCrossCrusader queasy bring joy to anyone? Maybe I can still break even on this.




I am here to be a constant source of joy for everyone who comes into contact with me.

How am I doing?
I feel queasy. . . . :([/quote]

I see...I see.

Well, does my making BlackCrossCrusader queasy bring joy to anyone? Maybe I can still break even on this.[/QUOTE]

Ow, there goes my sense of self-dignity and pride.




It makes me sad to see him in queasiness :(




I am here to be a constant source of joy for everyone who comes into contact with me.

How am I doing?
I feel queasy. . . . :([/quote]

I see...I see.

Well, does my making BlackCrossCrusader queasy bring joy to anyone? Maybe I can still break even on this.[/QUOTE]

I'm loving it, keep up the good work :D-:thumbsup:




I am here to be a constant source of joy for everyone who comes into contact with me.

How am I doing?
I feel queasy. . . . :([/quote]

I see...I see.

Well, does my making BlackCrossCrusader queasy bring joy to anyone? Maybe I can still break even on this.[/QUOTE]

Can you wound him maybe break a few of his bones?



I'm here to serve the will of God.




I'm here to serve the will of God.
Which god exactly? Please be a little bit more specific, the term "god" has been quite overused the last couple of centuries...




Oooh! I pick:


Le Quack

To do whatever I want, how ever I want, and with whoever wants to do it with me.




To do whatever I want, how ever I want, and with whoever wants to do it with me.
*sigh* If only..... :blue:



To do whatever I want, how ever I want, and with whoever wants to do it with me.
*sigh* If only..... :blue:[/QUOTE]

you can do whatever you want, you know. It's just finding someone else who wants to do it with you. And surviving the consequences, of your desires.




I'm here because I can.




To do whatever I want, how ever I want, and with whoever wants to do it with me.
*sigh* If only..... :blue:[/quote]

you can do whatever you want, you know. It's just finding someone else who wants to do it with you. And surviving the consequences, of your desires.[/QUOTE]
And hittin' it. Don't forget the hittin' it.



Oooh! I pick:

Eh - Anubis was more involved with the afterwards bit. I hear Sekhmet's always on the lookout for employees, though.

As for me, I was brought in to shore up the Great Bespectacled Geek Shortage of 1988. As for why I'm staying here... well, I'd like to make a lasting impression on the world, and not of the 'vast smoking crater' kind either.



I'm here because my father knocked up my mother. Actually, that's why my older sister is here, but without that happening first I wouldn't be here later.

I stay because someone has to feed my cats.


General Specific

General Specific

I've yet to find the purpose for my life. I don't know if I ever will know what it is either.



I've yet to find the purpose for my life. I don't know if I ever will know what it is either.
Find it? I always thought the general idea was that you made it.




I am here because, from my frame of reference, the rest of you would cease to exist if I wasn't here. You should all be thankful that I continue to want to be here otherwise your non-existence would quickly become boring.




I am here because, from my frame of reference, the rest of you would cease to exist if I wasn't here. You should all be thankful that I continue to want to be here otherwise your non-existence would quickly become boring.
Our non-existence would only be boring to you, because we aren't here to entertain you, the rest of us would be too busy not-existing. :)

For future reference, you're officially banned from not-existence.




To learn.
To learn, then teach. To draw conclusions and make connections. And then, to propogate (both physically and mentally). So far, I feel I am doing adequately well.




