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Will Espy play Diablo 3? No. Blizzard won't let him.




So I may be sailing the high seas to play for the first time in order to play a game. Let me explain. Please start smoking your pipes, tobacco or bubble, whatever is your pleasure.

I've never really played Diablo yet for some reason this new one looks... really cool. So I wanted to give it a shot. People seemed pumped for it. I was pretty annoyed by the draconic DRM but... what do you do, you can't fight the man right?
So I go to buy it and it makes me sign up for a "BAttlenetaccountthingie".
I do this.
It then says it has sent me a email verification. I can't do anything until I get that.

Guess what?

No email do I receive.

I click the "resend" thing. About 20 times.

No email.

Blizzard has apparently decided I am not allowed into their club. I sent them a support email but my hopes aren't high as it's game launch time.

If they don't resolve it I guess I don't know what I will doOH WAIT. I do. And for some reason I feel ok about it.
Also, my baby is taking her sweet time to get here. But thats another thread.




Draconian DRM inconveniencing a paying customer while doing nothing to stop piracy? Surely you jest!




That is odd. Have to checked the spam folder? I know mine used to like stealing away the valid e-mails because of how much gold seller or hack e-mails I can get. I had to manually add an exception for it.




You know, I can deal with the DRM, if I must. I don't like it but I can.

But if you don't verify my account I promise you that all bets of what I will or won't do are OFF. THE. TABLE.

I may even flip that very table over to show my disgust.
I won't, because it has my nachos on it. But I'd like to.




That is odd. Have to checked the spam folder? I know mine used to like stealing away the valid e-mails because of how much gold seller or hack e-mails I can get. I had to manually add an exception for it.
I've checked every damn folder from here to timbuck to. I even had several emails sent to me to make sure there wasn't something wrong.




Do you have any backup e-mails you can try? I have a hotmail account specifically to use if for whatever reason certain things are not getting through my main account (and for signing up to webpages I know are going to spam me).








Do you have any backup e-mails you can try? I have a hotmail account specifically to use if for whatever reason certain things are not getting through my main account (and for signing up to webpages I know are going to spam me).
Tried changing it but it keeps saying I need to verify the old one first.
Which it won't send me the email to do so.
Le Sigh.
Nope. Just my old .mac address I've been using for 8 years. I tried to change it to my gmail account but see above answer.
I figure I'll give it a day or two to see if they sort it out. I'm not in a rush.
I ain't gonna wait forever though.




.mac accounts are all behaving iffy as Apple moves over to iCloud. Try logging directly into MobileMe at http://me.com/ and seeing if you can read it there. Lots of people using email clients (Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook) are getting burned because the server settings have changed slightly.

Otherwise if you have already migrated to iCloud, log in at http://icloud.com/ and see if you find it there.





Call Blizzard support. I've had a few weird problems like this once (one involved breaking my authenticator) and a call to blizzard support fixed everything. They've always been incredibly helpful.

Though, I imagine the hold times might be a bit long, what with D3 launching and everything.




I just want to add that the smoking of Bubbles is not advised.




Once you do get ahold of support I'd imagine they'll get you sorted quickly, I've never had an issue with Blizzard's CS, especially compared to some other ones like Sony Online or Microsoft, who were all-around worthless.




PatrThom I wondered if the current transition might be causing it, not that I've had any issues mind you nor do I expect to since my email accounts aren't affected/changed by the transition, but I did log in to the online version and nada. Either way, I'll be keeping my eye out and see what happens. My suspicion is they are overwhelmed with people and stuff is taking it's time, or maybe I hit enter right at a hiccup spot and my stuff got screwy.
Ah well, no biggie.
I mean, RAAAAAAGE!!!!




At least it's not Origin *shakes fist at EA*




I'm really not in a rush, I just figure with the baby on the way my PS3 time will get even more limited and it will be nice to have something on my compy to play.
That does bring up one question though... can I play D3 on both my computers? Or am I supposed to buy it twice?




Advantage of the always online and using the WoW engine. You should be able to play on any PC, as long as you have your Battle.net login info (and an authenticator if you signed up for one).




Welcome to the new Blizzard that wants you to buy a million copies of their game... not like the old cool Blizzard that let you install spawn copies for multiplayer fun.

Yes, you need to buy more copies. (edit) That is if you want to play on both computers at the same time with a friend... otherwise... see Covar's response above.




Also, my baby is taking her sweet time to get here. But thats another thread.
We learned towards the end of my wife's pregnancy that 1.) many first time pregnancies are late and 2.) caucasian women gestate longer than average (41-42 weeks instead of 40 weeks).




We learned towards the end of my wife's pregnancy that 1.) many first time pregnancies are late and 2.) caucasian women gestate longer than average (41-42 weeks instead of 40 weeks).
1) I don't know why you have to get all racial. Dude.
2) Yeah, the docs are totally cool and aren't worried. Things are super healthy and normal so they want to give her till Thursday before doing any sort of inducing type things.




Advantage of the always online and using the WoW engine. You should be able to play on any PC, as long as you have your Battle.net login info (and an authenticator if you signed up for one).
Nice. Thats perfect.




1) I don't know why you have to get all racial. Dude.
2) Yeah, the docs are totally cool and aren't worried. Things are super healthy and normal so they want to give her till Thursday before doing any sort of inducing type things.
1.) Because I'm a racist
2.) A week or so late isn't any big deal. They were going to make us wait 2+ weeks before they induced. Didn't need to happen.




Besides walking, there's at least one fun thing you two can do to get the baby going.

/insert eye-waggle smiley here.




Listen to this man. He knows of which he speaks...



Yeah, except he doesn't know when to stop inducing and ends up having to do so again...

and again...

and again...








We are In the hospital... The baby is taking forever to get here. Been here since 2 yesterday. Some sleep. Not much.

I did just get 9 email verifications from Blizzard though.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

How long until you rename the thread title to be "Baby won't let him"?




Blizzard says you may have Baby or Diablo only. Choose!

(You will eventually get both mixed together, but it will take another 831 days)





Congrats, espy! She's a cutie!
