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Woo Hoo! Set your phasers to stun!





The good news: scientists have developed a Star Trek-like phaser that can be set to stun. The bad news: it only works on worms so far.
Researchers have now found a way to paralyse tiny worms when they expose them to ultraviolet light. Even when the ultraviolet light was turned off the animals stayed stunned. However, if they were subsequently exposed to a different form of light they recovered again and were able to move.
The researchers claim that this is the first time that such an effect has been demonstrated in an animal. Although some of the worms died, most of them lived through the process.
The effect is caused by using a molecule which changes its shape when exposed to ultraviolet light.
Well, it's a start I suppose. [Telegraph via The Daily What]

woo hoo! one day soon my dreams shall be realized :laser:


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Set the phasers to mostly stun, even if there's a chance of death!




Set the phasers to mostly stun, even if there's a chance of death!
Don't we already have those?




Don't stun me, dude.



Set the phasers to mostly stun, even if there's a chance of death!
Don't we already have those?[/QUOTE]

I think you are thinking of those "microwave gun" or something like that? It cause pain to people not sure about stun.


Joe Johnson

One day soon? My dreams are already realized. STUPID WORMS! >pew< >pew<
