It was my mining/farming zone back in the vanilla days. But golden pearls are not worth as much now.It's really the best place to get netherweave cloth. I know you can in Feralas, too, but the drops are better in Azshara. Add in the mining nodes and herb sites and it's far and away the best gathering site in the old world. But nobody goes there so you dodge monsters, not hundreds of ganking assholes.
I think you mean Runecloth, you can only get Netherweave in Outland.It's really the best place to get netherweave cloth. I know you can in Feralas, too, but the drops are better in Azshara. Add in the mining nodes and herb sites and it's far and away the best gathering site in the old world. But nobody goes there so you dodge monsters, not hundreds of ganking assholes.
I think you mean Runecloth, you can only get Netherweave in Outland.It's really the best place to get netherweave cloth. I know you can in Feralas, too, but the drops are better in Azshara. Add in the mining nodes and herb sites and it's far and away the best gathering site in the old world. But nobody goes there so you dodge monsters, not hundreds of ganking assholes.
I think you mean Runecloth, you can only get Netherweave in Outland.It's really the best place to get netherweave cloth. I know you can in Feralas, too, but the drops are better in Azshara. Add in the mining nodes and herb sites and it's far and away the best gathering site in the old world. But nobody goes there so you dodge monsters, not hundreds of ganking assholes.
While that is true in some cases, look closely. Ashenvale has sprouted a volcano, and the Horde have expanded through nearly the whole zone. That means a lot less trees are going to be around and the zone will have a drastic new look. Feralas lost a whole island, the Isle of Dread, and Feathermoon is now a ruin, with the Night Elves moving to the coastline and forming a rather large fortress. Dustwallow you are right, it seems pretty much unchanged, but I am very happy about that bridge they added to Theramore from the middle.I noticed Feralas, Dustwallow and Ashenvale look pretty similar in terms of overhead map. Although Feralas and Dustwallow had a ton of work done on them over the course of the game already.
Thankfully I never did Tailoring in vanilla. I started tailoring in BC when I was leveling my mage, and never finished leveling it till I made her a more dominate alt and got her to 80 in WOTLK. Funny now that I have a total of three tailors for the double cloth procs.You're right. Not Netherweave. Felcloth.