Honestly, does it even matter? J. Jonah fires and re-hires the same people about 20 times before his first morning coffee. And this story's been done before, only at the Bugle.
Glad to see they could tell exciting and new stories like this, now that Spidey's a swinging single.
Didn't he just get married?
Who the fuck cares?
Yeah, I think I've heard this spider-man story at least 10 times before, between comic books, the newspaper strip, and the old cartoons.
This would be funny if he wasn't already the Webmaster for the Daily Bugle's website in the Ultimate Universe.
Also, doesn't anybody else think this would have been more interesting if it HAD been tied to the recession? That there wasn't anything he could do to fix it? I mean honestly, in the age of the Camera phone, it's fucking amazing that Peter hasn't already lost his job... and it's not like newspapers aren't already falling over on their own.
I blame Kurtz.
Kurtz is a hack!!!
Kurtz fired Spiderman? That tastes bad!!!
Is he going to quit being spider-man too? Tragic comic cover with the costume in a bin while he walks away, slump-shouldered and weary?
Like they did every goddamn decade?
*Sigh* When stories have no foreseeable end, this is what you get.
*covers his eyes for the rest of the thread besides the OP to avoid possible spoilers*
Funny timing.. I'm at this very moment catching up with Amazing Spider-Man.... I hated the idea of One More Day's reboot... but after reading afterwards, I have to say... ASM hasn't been this good in... wow, at least a decade, probably more. They brought Spidey back to his roots and it freakin' WORKS. It's rare that I finish a whole issue without laughing out loud.
That being said... JJJ has fired Peter TONS of times over the years. I don't know why they made it a news item this time. I'm just reading issue #577, so I still have a longs way to catch up, but I'm loving every issue.
This time he added "for realz!!!!" and unfriended Peter from his facebook.
Did he start working for that Frontline paper a while back anyhow?!
Maybe he could teach high school chemistry
Edit: Fuck, it was biology. Oh well, still a decent retcon joke.
It's like Stimpy is SAYING THIS. Haha the alignment is pretty solid!
I'm always wondering why nobody ever said, "Gee, Peter, you're like a super genius or something, right? WTF are you doing here working for shit wages take pictures for scale?"
I'm always wondering why nobody ever said, "Gee, Peter, you're like a super genius or something, right? WTF are you doing here working for shit wages take pictures for scale?"
This happened all the time while JMS was writing it.
!@#$in' Quesada/Marvel editorial.
Fuck JMS. Fuck him right in the ear. Long live the Spidey Braintrust and the Web-heads.
The two worst things in ASM under JMS run (Sins Past, and One More Day) were mandated by Joe Quesada. Sorry but I already read the what he's pushing back in the 80s. If you're just going to revert the book back to the way it was in a previous decade you could have at least picked the 70s.
It's more of a classic 60s feel, with the main focus of the story being Peter's life, his close group of friends, his Parker Luck..... dude, ASM hasn't been this good, like, ever.
I'm always wondering why nobody ever said, "Gee, Peter, you're like a super genius or something, right? WTF are you doing here working for shit wages take pictures for scale?"
Probably because as a free lance photographer, he had the freedom to work on his own time for the most part, which left him open to protect the city as Spider-man pretty much whenever he needed to. If he say, got a big time job at some research facility or lab doing all kinds of scientific work that his genius was capable of, I doubt he'd have time to duck out and go stop a villian in the middle of Times Square or somethin.
Shouldnt you be working for your call center taskmasters?
This has been addressed exactly recently... right after BND Peter decided to leave the superheroing to the "licensed heroes" and tried to look for a job more akin to his interests... but even though people recognized him as the whiz kid genius from college, they all wondered what he had done since then... he could obviously not tell them the truth, so he got stuck beomcing even a paparazzi at some point.