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Write your own TV show




Ok, I'm at the office and calls are at a standstill, so here is a game! Write a TV show premise with yourself as the star. Costars can be anyone at all--people you know or people you don't. The premise can be based on a dream or a fantasy of yours or just something you'd really like to see on TV!

Mine would be about a female office worker trying to make it in the big city.

...No, but really. Mine would be a show about Culinary school. My costars would be my old chefs, because they were hilarious and interesting.

Chef Randy: Huge ham of a man who sings tenor in the kitchen, dances when his sauces turn out right, and talks a lot about how his career ruined his marriage.

Chef Kaslow: Down-to-Earth butcher from New York who, in the show, would serve as my mentor and confidante.

Chefs Kozar and Kasten: The pastry chefs who have a little something going on that "no one knows about" (except we all did...)

Chef Parr: Teaches the introductory courses; funny, nurturing, and prepares the new blood for their new challenges.

Chef Bill: The only chef in Louisiana who's allergic to cayenne pepper.

Episode 1 would be me nearly slicing the entire tip of my index finger off... just like my actual first year. Ahhh, memories.



do we get paid for this if our ideas get used? :D




You get free sodas from the office mini-fridge and all the liquid paper you can stuff into your pockets.



Wheel of Fish. I know Weird Al came up with it, but it'd still be fun to see!




I always wanted to see a show about grad school. There is enough fodder there for drama and comedy alike. That's as far as I've thought about it, though. I don't have a cast list or more specific ideas than that.




A story about a dumb woman who does dumb things. She has a hot husband who gets dragged along with the hyjinks. They have 3 kids. The first is a fat and dumb daughter who has a heart of god. The second is a son who is popular but doesn't get along with mom. The third child is a female baby who can speak and does wacky things. And they have a cat who talks.

Basically Family Guy with the sexes reversed and see how long it's on before the feminist groups raise a stink about the negative portrayal of women.




Ooh, topical! *grins*

They say "Write what you know," so I'd see how far a comedy-based cop show would go. *grins* Not nearly so much drama down here as in NYC or LA, for example.




I know! They need to redo COP ROCK!!!




Hmmm... Maybe an office-style sitcom about the crazy shenanigans at the Medieval Market. Starring many of the personalities here (with anglicized names):
- Raymond Rivers, the grand old man of the show, a font of wisdom and jokes about old people.
- Joanna Stone and Johnny Palmer, a strange couple of a reasonable young woman and a quirky fellow. Plenty of material for a comedy of errors.
- Monica, a forty-something method actress with a perfectionist streak a mile wide.
- Earl, an easy-going, laid-back guy who works at a mental hospital. A foil to Monica's strict attitude.




^HAH, Dave, I've thought the same thing (the dumb woman with a hot husband thing).




I know! They need to redo COP ROCK!!!
This time it will be called "Justice Blues" and will be directed and have songs written by Joss Whedon. It will have an even shorter run than the original.



I always wanted to see a show about grad school. There is enough fodder there for drama and comedy alike. That's as far as I've thought about it, though. I don't have a cast list or more specific ideas than that.

It would pretty much be Piled Higher and Deeper in TV form right?



Hmmm... Maybe an office-style sitcom about the crazy shenanigans at the Medieval Market. Starring many of the personalities here (with anglicized names):
- Raymond Rivers, the grand old man of the show, a font of wisdom and jokes about old people.
- Joanna Stone and Johnny Palmer, a strange couple of a reasonable young woman and a quirky fellow. Plenty of material for a comedy of errors.
- Monica, a forty-something method actress with a perfectionist streak a mile wide.
- Earl, an easy-going, laid-back guy who works at a mental hospital. A foil to Monica's strict attitude.
I...want to see that.




Highlander : Shego

Follow the adventures of Shego as she beheads both immortals and regulars on a weekly basis. Watch as she resists the urge to kill her chauffer HCGLNS and accountant Dave as they bumble their way through cleaning up her slaughter. Cheer as she cuts down internet uses who don't understand apostrophes. Cry as her beloved cat Gusto falls into the dastardly hands of Sherrif Cajungal, an immortal with totalitarian goals.

All this and more, coming this fall to FOX!




Gusto is my (stolen) cat? :rofl: Does he have a tiny hard hat?



a remake of Married..With Children.




I always wanted to see a show about grad school. There is enough fodder there for drama and comedy alike. That's as far as I've thought about it, though. I don't have a cast list or more specific ideas than that.

It would pretty much be Piled Higher and Deeper in TV form right?[/QUOTE]

Yup, but you'd have to broaden the humor for mainstream audiences, I think.




I'm the mascot!



General Specific

General Specific

A show where I dispense advice to callers or guests, call it: The Brice is Right

A cooking show where myself and Cajungal show how to make Louisiana favorites with the help of special guest forumites, called: Cajun Cooking (first show, guest is Chaz and special ingredient is ONIOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS!!!!!)

Buddy cop show starring myself as a rookie cop and Espy as the grizzled veteran with Dave as The Chief. We only solve crimes in day cares and nursery schools. Called: General Infancy

Science Fiction show taking place on a star ship. Whole forum is the crew, spaceship is named Hal. Call it: In Space, No One Can Hear You LOL




Can we change the name to "Mais Das Good, Yeah?"




I've always thought mine would be a mixture of the IT crowd and Seinfeld.
But with a bisexual girl starring n_n
Best friends and partners of adventures would be: JP gay macho man, Sunny the hottest cutest girl that every guy falls for, and Lori, the nice and neutral one that tends to balance things out.


General Specific

General Specific

Can we change the name to "Mais Das Good, Yeah?"
But then we lose the pun...




How about a comedy starring a strong black (or Latina or Asian) female who doesn't need a man to keep her happy? Or a gay man who is not a stereotype. Everyone will be surprised when they hear he's gay. I know! Have Charlie Sheen's character in 2 and a Half Men come out of the closet.




My show would be set in a future where mankind has moved out to the stars and follows the adventures of a scroundrel/do-gooder and his band of ne'er-do-wells who struggle to keep their ship running and turn a profit anyway they can, maybe call Cap'n Shecky - Space Cowboy.

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

Oh and then's there one about an evil scientist and show tunes. Dr. Invictus and the Fleshtones.


Element 117

An office style show.

filmed at a porn production company

because having mainstream actors play pornstars "behind the scenes" seems hilarious.

But instead of playing it as a docucomedy, I'd play it as a drama. Where the main porn star's quadraplegic son is a brilliant 23 year old doctor. with lupus. And a former career as a spy.

Ok, I'll just stop there


General Specific

General Specific

New reality show: Xiao, Shego, and myself in a house. Called: Two Violent Lesbians and a Straight Guy

Sitcom: Hosted by me. Sammi goes on dates with various forum members, film Dave's reactions to each. Called: The Icarus Show (final episode's guest star? Chris Hansen)

New game show: Random trivia questions posed to a panel of 4 forumites (basically a forum QI). Called: West of Acapulco




I've wanted to do a new Star Trek series, but to take the focus away from the federation and star fleet. Maybe in independent science team and vessel made up of a coalition of several factions or something.

The captain and first mate would be comparable to Picard and Riker, in that the captain is more experienced and got to his position by making the right decisions and playing it by the book, while the first mate is a bit more of a risk taker. The reason I would want it set up like this would be for the season finale where we actually kill off the captain due to a mistake made by the first mate. It would be one of those million to one odds of winning strategies that always seem to work on Star Trek, but this time it just didn't.

I'm not sure about the rest of the cast though. I'd want it to be diverse but not to the point of ridiculousness. A large part would depend on how far from traditional Trek i'd want to go. I mean, there's usually a character who has to make choices between logic and humanity, right? But has that been done enough in previous series or is there more to explore with that? I'm not too sure.

so you know... it's a work in progress.




^like Phil's but have an outsider on the crew. Instead of Logic, make him a charismatic, loony. Kinda like a Federation Zaphod Beblebrox, driving the logical humans nuts.


Element 117

New reality show: Xiao, Shego, and myself in a house. Called: Two Violent Lesbians and a Straight Guy


*stabs you in the face*

violent, yes.




^like Phil's but have an outsider on the crew. Instead of Logic, make him a charismatic, loony. Kinda like a Federation Zaphod Beblebrox, driving the logical humans nuts.
Let's make him a Klingon just for shits and giggle.


General Specific

General Specific

I regret nothing!

Except the knife in the face...

*bleeds out on the floor*

*vacates bowels*



I'd try to make a post-apocolyptic tv series that takes place in the decaying shell of what used to be a major U.S. city.

The premise would kind of be like a police show, only since there's no actual law, the characters are a small band of thugs/detectives-for-hire, and the cases and methods are a lot more morally ambiguous, touching on themes of what qualifies as right and wrong in a lawless world.

It'll also be darkly comedic though, so that people would actually want to watch it.



Create a show just like BattleStar Glactica...except the entire cast will be zombies.


General Specific

General Specific

Zombiestar Galactica?




Zombiestar Galactica?
When the Cylons show up to destroy mankind... They find that they are too late.



I was thinking more Battle Star Zomtica. But yours works GS. ;)


General Specific

General Specific

Brainstar Zomblactica?




Probably an episodic version of the novel I'm working on, "Hawkwood for Hire", following the titular company, a small Private Military Company. The company is run by enigmatic businessman John D. Hawkwood, and consists of a multi-national group of special operators. The main character is a reporter, Wesley Clarkson, embedded with the company to see the inside truth about the world of the modern soldier-for-hire. The troopers include operations manager Frank Wiley, formerly of the CIA; Achilles Devreaux, a Cajun veteran of the Legion Etrangere; Ta'ua 'Flick' Maughti, once a member for the Mongrel Mob and graduate of the NZSAS; Jaime Norstaadt, ex-Recce and survival expert; Jeffrey Williams, Color Sergeant in the Coldstream Guards, dishonorably discharged for declining the VC over the Broken Covenant scandal; Bogatyr Arkadovich, veteran of the Checyn conflict with the 10th Mountain ObrSpN, who resigned after being transfered to the Vympel group; Kikuchiyo Kyuzo, of the Narashino Airborne Brigade.
