Yahtzee fights like a cow. How appropriate.

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Irish accents for the win!

Also, I'd love to see R&J2 where they travel across Europe on a motorbike.

Still, I'm kind of glad to see a resurgance in adventure games. It's a nice change from the bleak brown worlds of first person shooters and such. I've well supported Telltale games, thus far, and will continue to do so.

As far as Yahtzee goes, though, I think it'd be neat if he was to, say, join Telltale games to help develop one of his own adventure games or something. I keep expecting SOME game company to bring him on board and say, "Fine. Show us how it's done."


Staff member
First thought, how can Yahtzee have reviewed TMI when it isn't finished yet. There are three more episodes to go. It's like reviewing MI2 after having only played Part 1 of the game, and declaring it to be vastly inferior to the first game.

Second, Yahtzee is a moron for classing Curse of Monkey Island as a bad game.

Third, Morgan LeFlay is one of the best new characters and to hell with Yahtzee for thinking she was there solely to brag on Threepwood. Yes, Guybrush is alarmingly competent, but if he weren't I have a feeling that Yahtzee would be ragging on him for a lack of character development. Guybrush has always been surprisingly able to do everything despite himself, that people see that now is the only thing that's changed. (and, arguably, he already had a reputation as a pirate captain in MI2, though he somehow lost it for CMI and EMI) He's still the same old bumbling fool who only succeeds through luck and cartoon logic.

Also, no comments on the quality of voice acting? Seriously? C'mon!

At least he was right about some things. There have been far too many cookie cutter puzzles of key goes in keyhole. The inventory is awful (on more levels than he mentioned) and mouse movement sucks (WASD or arrows is much better). Though, on the subject of movement, almost all input for games is 2D movements controlling a 3D world, so I'm not sure why he described that as a wrong way to do things.

Normally I like Yahtzee's reviews even when he bashes a game that I liked. However this time I find him to be almost completely off base.


It's almost as if he's ignoring its merits and digging for things to scorn because that's what he's famous for and what people expect of him.


Staff member
That's what it seems like to me too, Heavan. But I still think he's funny most of the time.

I guess he figures he'll keep with the shtick that works and trust people to keep playing what they want to play and liking what they want to like despite what some guy says. It might be nice to see some more reviews like the one for the Orange Box.

Skinny Santa

K heres a slightly on topic question. Is there a freeware dos emulator around I could use to play the old Monkey Island games? I have one on disc but the other one was scratched up too bad so I got a 'torrent' of help from my friend on the bucaneer oceansidelake. Also would the same thing play WC2? I'm a lore nerd.

Alright review, hilarious bad accent, scary potato lip thingy.
K heres a slightly on topic question. Is there a freeware dos emulator around I could use to play the old Monkey Island games? I have one on disc but the other one was scratched up too bad so I got a 'torrent' of help from my friend on the bucaneer oceansidelake. Also would the same thing play WC2? I'm a lore nerd.

Alright review, hilarious bad accent, scary potato lip thingy.
Best emulator in existence = DOSBox. D-fend Reloaded is just a front end, not DOSBox itself. In fact, as front end I'd recommend DosBox Game Launcher instead of D-fend.

If you want more games for DOSBox, visit our site :)


If you got any DOSBox questions, shoot.


Staff member
I still haven't played the game. do you guys think its as good as the old games?
Not so far it isn't, but that's not to say it isn't very enjoyable. The scene in the doctor's labratory, which Yahtzee liked as well, is hilarious. Absolutely brilliant. There are a lot of other funny moments as well. I've been grinning ear to ear while playing, and not just out of nostalgia.

Also, your opinion of the new games may depend on which of the old games you hold in highest regard. I played Curse of Monkey Island first, and I hold it to be the pinnacle of the series thus far, while Yahtzee apparently hates it with a passion.

Telltale makes good adventure games with moments of greatness. They also deserve serious credit for being one of the few companies to be able to deliver truly episodic gaming. Their dedication to a monthly schedule is impressive, though it's also probably the reason behind some of their clunkier design failures.
The Irish accent bits had me chuckling. That was pretty funny and here I was thinking that he was getting really stale.

Skinny Santa

So I got Scummvm because I liked the interface better out of the two. The only problem is there doesnt seem to be any music in Monkey Island 1. The sound effects seem to work but I don't hear any music playing. I'm playing off an image file which I use Daemon Tools to mount and it runs okay except for that. Is there any music in the first part? I got past the first scene you see LeChuck in and I still don't hear any. Any help is appreciated.
If i I remember correctly, the original Monkey Island used actual CD Audio for music throughout the game. You may have to get an alternate MIDI version or some such.
CD ROM didn't even exist when the first MI game came out, so if there was, it would have been a seperate audio CD, but I don't recall that, just a mountain of 3.5 floppies.


Ah, I remember those days... sitting patiently for a half hour or so, watching the blocky progress bar slowly fill between each disc, breifly panicing every time the next disc was out of order and having to shuffle the deck to find it, constantly fretting over disc read errors or that the final disc would then ask for an additional disc that wasn't included.

Then having to edit config.sys and autoexec.bat to get the extended memory configured properly with sufficient space available to run the game.

Yes, I had a script that copyed different versions of those two files over for several different games I had. :cool:


Staff member
That's not an Irish accent! I can actually understand what the bloody hell he's saying!

I swear, the first week in Ireland I thought our student village janitor spoke only Gaelic, his accent was THAT thick.
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