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Yahtzee's "The Consuming Shadow"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Yahtzee's been working on a roguelike game, The Consuming Shadow, and is looking for people to download it and provide feedback to improve it. Download link for beta.

I'm sure there's a ton of people frothing at the mouth to criticize his game the way he's criticized some of their favorites, but I'm curious to see what he's come up with, inspiration for the game being FTL and Lovecraft.




there's a ton of people frothing at the mouth to criticize his game the way he's criticized some of their favorites



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I didn't realize he had made another game.

I did a couple of (failed) runs through The Consuming Shadow. It's fun and darkly amusing. You have to pay attention to your choices as your sanity meter drops, as they'll hover between the actual option and "Shoot Myself", which is game over.

Each time you lose, you gain experience based on how much progress you made, which can then be applied to starting bonuses for the next playthrough. It's a neat game. I'll play more later.
