Yay Wold of Warcraft!!

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Okay, just happy I got my Hand of Ragnaros this week after 8 months of farming MC with a friend for the Eye of Rag. I know..old content is old, but hot damn, I never did get a chance to get it on my old vanilla account back in the day, and it is still a very rare drop to get the eye and a pain in the ass to make the hammer..so I am happy with that, especially getting it done before Cataclysm hits.

So...yeah, yay Wow. Having fun there in Azeroth. Think I may x-fer to an rp realm for shits and giggles too.
Nice work, very cool that you did it before Cataclysm also, since it is up in the air if Molten Core will even survive the expansion. If that happens the Hand of Rag is going to be another Atiesh, a rare rare rare legendary that few people will ever be able to hold since it would not longer be attainable.
If you're considering playing on an RP server to actually RP, make sure you do your homework first, most of the "RP servers" have extremely minimal (if any) RP.


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I used to play on one with one of my old accounts. I know where I would go and what I would do.guilds/people i would join.
I think Blizz should add upgrade quests in Cat for Thunderfury and Sulfuras. Not easy ones, obviously, but it's just lame that classic "legendary" weapons suck now compared to welfare epics.


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I have no problem with hem being what they are now. I do wish there was a title like "Windseeker -" or "- , the Hand of Ragnaros"
I think Blizz should add upgrade quests in Cat for Thunderfury and Sulfuras. Not easy ones, obviously, but it's just lame that classic "legendary" weapons suck now compared to welfare epics.
Hell, they suck compared to first tier quest rewards in NR

BTW, am I the only one who just HATED all the drab armor in NR? I mean, I get the viking theme, but there's more going on out there than the Vykrul.
I think Blizz should add upgrade quests in Cat for Thunderfury and Sulfuras. Not easy ones, obviously, but it's just lame that classic "legendary" weapons suck now compared to welfare epics.
Hell, they suck compared to first tier quest rewards in NR

BTW, am I the only one who just HATED all the drab armor in NR? I mean, I get the viking theme, but there's more going on out there than the Vykrul.

It still beat the hell out of the over-done garbage that was 99% of Outlands gear. MORE SPARKLES, IT NEEDS MORE SPARKLES.
BTW, am I the only one who just HATED all the drab armor in NR? I mean, I get the viking theme, but there's more going on out there than the Vykrul.
This is one of those "damned if you do" type of scenarios. Like mentioned above, everyone was throwing fits about how much certain armor clashed. You would have pink pants, purple gloves, a red tunic and a blue helmet. It was a running joke for so long that everyone was making fun of it.

In order to stop this, Blizzard made all the armor in Northrend a much more subdued set of colors. It made it so even if the colors were slightly different, the outfit didn't clash so drastically you felt like a clown. Now, why we only have a dozen models for them, that is a Blizzard blunder. They were so intent on getting ready for the patches and Cataclysm, that they skipped out on armor models this time around. Northrend actually had a lot of mistakes, like the wreck that was Crystalsong Forest, but at the very least the good in the expansion outweighed the disappointing.


They should implement armor color changing like every other MMO on the planet.
Sorry, I shouldn't have used the word drab. That implied that it was the colors that bothered me. It wasn't that it was the fact that the armor was so plain and unimpressive. The models themselves mostly. Too many weapons that were planks of wood and tusks. Just all around boring.
They should implement armor color changing like every other MMO on the planet.
It is interesting, because I agree. I would love to be able to alter the color of my gear. However, I do understand some of the reasons Blizzard does not allow it.

1) Most people always pick the same colors. Black, Black, maybe some White, Black, Red, Black. You will not find many character going with the brighter colors like blue and orange. In the rare cases people might do that, it will be to the extreme, like an all pink warlock.

2) The color scheme of gear is tied heavily into the quality of gear in the late game, at least most of the time. T10 for instance is made up of three different sets of quality, and the only distinguishing aspect of them is the color.

I think in the end Blizzard can get away with it, but they have to limit it. Maybe have an alterable "accent" color to go with a "main" color that is built into the gear, or reverse. Don't see it happening, but we can dream right?
2) The color scheme of gear is tied heavily into the quality of gear in the late game, at least most of the time. T10 for instance is made up of three different sets of quality, and the only distinguishing aspect of them is the color.
I'm of two minds as to whether this was a good idea or not. On one hand, I think it's ridiculous that color denotes the quality considering that the scheme doesn't apply across classes. Also, we should be able to change colors, like ever other MMO. My guildies would love to trim our armor in dark blue and silver, like our tabard.

On the other hand, considering past history, I'd be afraid that the better qualities of T10 would have turned out with MOAR SPIKESSS!!!11 had they done a new design, and we got enough of that crap in BC.


Staff member
I personally like the armor sets in northrend. The "drabness" fits the theme and setting of the expansion. Much like I liked the armor sets of Vanilla wow when I was raiding 40 mans back in the day. BC though....well.....ugggh.

Then again, my main is a paladin, so I hated the power ranger look I went through during the last expansion.
I personally like the armor sets in northrend. The \"drabness\" fits the theme and setting of the expansion. Much like I liked the armor sets of Vanilla wow when I was raiding 40 mans back in the day. BC though....well.....ugggh.
I do like the general look of the WotLK armor sets. I love how my DK looks, and my paladin doesn't look so bad, considering his hodgepodge of gear levels.

I just wish I could color them so their gear was a little closer together in shade.
Yeah, my Shaman and DK look pretty awesome and I have yet to even get t10 thanks to needing other things first, but God my poor tankadin in BC. All that pink...

I love the ICC sets though, I'm hoping the Ruby Sanctum gear has its own unique look too.
I've been back since December and am currently grinding 6 different reputations. It's kinda fun being a healer for once too.
I've been back since December and am currently grinding 6 different reputations. It's kinda fun being a healer for once too.
It is funny, I have played WoW for so long with so many classes, but I always avoided the healer role when I could. My Paladin was always a tank and my Shaman was always lightening throwing fiend that only went healer when my friends and I have issues getting one. It was only recently when the Dungeon Tool was released that I decided to finally give my Druid some attention after having her stagnate at 51 for a year and a half, and I enjoyed healing way more then I expected. She is now 75 and I only run dungeons as a healer.
I'm saving a druid for Cat, but everyone I know who has played one says that healing as one is quite fun.
Holydin healing to me is boring, did it from t5 to Uld. Shaman healing is good now, but used to be boring. Priest healing was awesome in BC, have not tried it yet. Same for Druid healing. My brother loves Priest and Druid healing, he has done it up to Uld, a bit of ToCr10 and ICC 5 heroics.
I'm saving a druid for Cat, but everyone I know who has played one says that healing as one is quite fun.
Holydin healing to me is boring, did it from t5 to Uld. Shaman healing is good now, but used to be boring. Priest healing was awesome in BC, have not tried it yet. Same for Druid healing. My brother loves Priest and Druid healing, he has done it up to Uld, a bit of ToCr10 and ICC 5 heroics.[/QUOTE]

Ive healed as a druid since release and I love it. That is, when I wasn't on a break from the game. My only gripe now is that my server sucks balls. I think I need to transfer.
I think one of the reasons I like it is because Druid healing is so passive and mobile. On my shaman unless I am casting Riptide I have to stand like a turret and barely move. Same with my Paladin the few times I healed with her. Druid though I have things like Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Wild Growth all instant cast with only Regrowth as my stand-and-cast heal that I often throw. I rarely use Healing Touch unless I cast an emergency heal with Nature's Swiftness. I don't have Nourish yet but I can't wait to give it a try.

Also, Innervate makes dungeon runs a breeze. Not only do I have mana regen that puts some of my casters to shame even without it, but in the few cases I do drop in the 20% max mana range, I just throw up my Innervate and keep healing. I never even have to drink. That is another thing I love.
Disc healing is a challenge? Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble. (Speaking as an end game guild disc priest)
Disc healing is a challenge? Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble. (Speaking as an end game guild disc priest)
Yeah, see that's the problem. You're really going against any normal healing process as you bubble so much more than anything else. What kills me is how many people don't get this and just fire of Greater Heals anyway, then wonder why they don't get a raid spot anymore.
I'm saving a druid for Cat, but everyone I know who has played one says that healing as one is quite fun.
Holydin healing to me is boring, did it from t5 to Uld. Shaman healing is good now, but used to be boring. Priest healing was awesome in BC, have not tried it yet. Same for Druid healing. My brother loves Priest and Druid healing, he has done it up to Uld, a bit of ToCr10 and ICC 5 heroics.[/QUOTE]

I haven't done much healing with my pally, but I was thinking of building his healing gear. Isn't pally healing long moments of boring single-button presses of FoL/HL on the tank as necessary punctuated by moments of sheer terror as you pop Divine Sacrifice, Divine Guardian, Hand of Sacrifice, and Sacred Shield all at once when the raid boss goes, "Fuck you, tank! AND FUCK YOU, RAID!!"
I'm saving a druid for Cat, but everyone I know who has played one says that healing as one is quite fun.
Holydin healing to me is boring, did it from t5 to Uld. Shaman healing is good now, but used to be boring. Priest healing was awesome in BC, have not tried it yet. Same for Druid healing. My brother loves Priest and Druid healing, he has done it up to Uld, a bit of ToCr10 and ICC 5 heroics.[/QUOTE]

I haven't done much healing with my pally, but I was thinking of building his healing gear. Isn't pally healing long moments of boring single-button presses of FoL/HL on the tank as necessary punctuated by moments of sheer terror as you pop Divine Sacrifice, Divine Guardian, Hand of Sacrifice, and Sacred Shield all at once when the raid boss goes, "Fuck you, tank! AND FUCK YOU, RAID!!"[/QUOTE]

That about sums it up. In the transition from BC to WoTLK I moved from my "at least good enough to participate in Black Citadel" tankadin and had to respec holydin for my guild, which I ended up quitting because they forced me to respec and miss out on all the tanky gear through the first wave of progression, then passed me up for every instance because my healing gear sucked.


Staff member
Thanks Sytherexx. I played for about an hour and a half last night. I had forgotten some things, but mostly I noticed the UI has changed a lot in the last year. I made a new character just to reorient. Now there seems to be tips for newbies. Also, they seemed to have dumbed down the starting human quests. In particular, it seems like the Defias gang is no longer aggro, which makes those quests a little lamer than they already were. I do like the new quest management elements to the UI.

I want to get back to my highest character, but the talents were all reset. Is it still 1000G to dual spec? I want to try restoration, but it's just so much easier to solo as enhancement.


Staff member
Also, what's a good server suggestion? I'm on Argyos, which seems to be really low population.
It's pretty easy to solo as Resto too, Riptide and Earth Shield are cheap heals and will keep you alive even while getting wailed on. Also, it's much easier to get random dungeon groups as a healer or tank.

And yeah, it's still 1000g to dual spec, but you only pay it once.
Also, it's much easier to get random dungeon groups as a healer or tank..
QFT. On either of my toons who have tank specs, they get in immediately and finish a dungeon by the time it takes a DPS to even get in (about 15-20 min).

And then they do it again. You'll make twice as many badges for your time (or cut the time spent by half).
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