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Yet another Dave issue.




So Christmastime on the way home from Colorado, Dave got caught doing 90+ in a 75 mph zone. I was busted dead to rights so I'm not disputing the ticket. BUT, I can't go back the 300+ miles to pay the damned thing so I need to do it online with a credit card.

There's only one problem. Dave doesn't HAVE a credit card any more.

The ticket is $73. Anyone willing to help me with this will get $90 PayPal'd to them right now. I got the money, it's the plastic I'm missing.

I called the court so when you get to the part that says, "I swear it's me!" you'll be fine. I'll give all information needed.

Help me, Obi-wan! You're my only hope!




PM me boss.




If that works out, great, if there any issues and I can help let me know.




Docseverin has my back. Thanks, though.

I had to wait until I got paid on the 1st to get it done and they told me mailing it by then was too late. Good old catch 22, man.




Big thanks to Doc. He didn't have a PayPal account, but that BestBuy gift card I sent him more than made up for it. You da man, Doc!
