yo chaz, don't stay away

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You'll be surprised how many people have gone through a similar experience and can provide advice or at least a different perspective. Plus, nothing beats stress like internet beatdowns.

I dedicate this thread to The Chaz(wozel). I think there's another "The Chaz" around here now.


Staff member
I did something I never do and that's modded a thread. I moved this to General because if it turns into a flame war I'm going to hurt someone.

If you haven't been following along, Chazwozel found out that his wife has cancer. I'm not at liberty to divulge more than that, but he's scared and like any of us he does not know what to do. He also has stress at work, but that's secondary.

Yet it also means that right now he has no outlet of letting the world slide away for a few minutes/hours/whatever.

I know we've all been dicks in the past to one another and that at times we could be irascible and jerks to each other, but this is where real life and real people matter the most.

I'm not religious so I won't be praying any time soon, but all positive thoughts are winging your way, Chaz. Stay strong, my friend.
Good luck Chaz. Let us know if there's anything we can do - you might be surprised at how many people would lend a hand if you told them what you needed.



Staff member
I was just looking for an appropriate place to say this. Everyone's personal feelings and pride aside, someone who was (and might be again) a part of our community here is having a crisis.

I know not everyone puts that much stock into this place, but many have admitted that it helps them in some way. Chaz is Chaz. I don't always agree with the things he says or how he says them. When he's passionate about something, yes, he can be harsh. And some of the things he's said lately have been rude towards some. But he's not a bad person. He deserves compassion in this difficult time, and I'd say the same for anyone else here who might lash out at an incredibly difficult time. I'm not saying who's right or wrong here, or that Chaz is the only one with problems.

I'd love it if we could all take a step back from the little debates we've been having and think about how we would act if we could be seeing other face to face.


Staff member
I was just looking for an appropriate place to say this. Everyone's personal feelings and pride aside, someone who was (and might be again) a part of our community here.

I know not everyone puts that much stock into this place, but many have admitted that it helps them in some way. Chaz is Chaz. I don't always agree with the things he says or how he says them. When he's passionate about something, yes, he can be harsh. And some of the things he's said lately have been rude towards some. But he's not a bad person. He deserves compassion in this difficult time, and I'd say the same for anyone else here who might lash out at an incredibly difficult time. I'm not saying who's right or wrong here, or that Chaz is the only one with problems.

I'd love it if we could all take a step back from the little debates we've been having and think about how we would act if we could be seeing other face to face.
The Cajun One is very, very wise.


Staff member
Not wise (or quick) enough to fix that sentence fragment up top before you could quote me. I guess even Cajuns aren't perfect.
Seriously, Chaz. I hope things get better. And I hope you can deal with whatever personal issues are plaguing you right now. I'd like to see you come back a happier man.

Besides, Charlie doesn't pull off the Chazzhattery with nearly the same finesse.
You've always been one of my favorite people at HF, Chaz, your shitty taste in pizza aside. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. Stay strong :)


O Halforum, Halforum! All men call thee fickle:
If thou art fickle, what dost thou with him
that is renown'd for faith? Be fickle, Halforum;
For then, I hope, thou wilt not keep him long,
but send him back.


Staff member
Chaz, you're Rom to my Quark. I don't always like you, I often think there's something wrong with your brain... but I love you.

Okay, maybe a little too far... Hope everything goes well with your wife, Chaz ol' boy. I can't even begin to understand what you must feel like right now, but best wishes nonetheless.
O Halforum, Halforum! All men call thee fickle:
If thou art fickle, what dost thou with him
that is renown'd for faith? Be fickle, Halforum;
For then, I hope, thou wilt not keep him long,
but send him back.

We're fickle? How many people that have posted in here were the same ones that were "glad he was gone"?

I've always been a supporter of Team Chaz, even during his lash out phases. I too have already talked on the subject at hand, but if anything, I'd like to extend him the invitation to come back as a full-time member of the forum again and not just lurking. :uhhuh:


Wether you return or remain away, I don't care. What I do care about is your personal situation. Good luck to you.


Best wishes, Chaz. Personal tradition when someone's had a crappy time lately is to get 'em a big box of chocolates (did it for a friend of mine recently after her grandfather died and she got 'flu leading to tonsilitis at the funeral, the poor soul), so's I hope you're imagining this reeeal well:



I've said it before and I stand by wishing you hadn't left. Unlike Dave I am religious so my prayers go out for you and your wife.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm truly sorry to hear that your wife has cancer. I wish you both the best.

Cuyval Dar

I can separate Chaz the asshatish poster and Chaz the human being.
In that spirit, I extend my deepest sympathies to both you and your wife.
I sincerely hope that the cancer goes into remission quickly.


Staff member
I find the news really sad.

What I find more disappointing though is that this is all in the open and aired out on the internet without the guy being here. It feels weird and wrong. This thread shouldn't be here unless Chaz himself opened up to us. His private issues are now aired out over the internet with a ton of strangers, including cockbags making dumbass joke tags.

But instead a bunch of random people are talking about a man's private issue out in the open, whether he wanted us to or not.
I find the news really sad.

What I find more disappointing though is that this is all in the open and aired out on the internet without the guy being here. It feels weird and wrong. This thread shouldn't be here unless Chaz himself opened up to us. His private issues are now aired out over the internet with a ton of strangers, including cockbags making dumbass joke tags.

But instead a bunch of random people are talking about a man's private issue out in the open, whether he wanted us to or not.
His friend spilled the beans, and while it's not nice to talk behind someone's back, there are many people here who care about chaz and are saddened by his situation. It's natural to commiserate.

I too feel bad about those who choose to use the situation to make fun of him - they are preventing many people from sharing things about their lives that they would like emotional support for, but don't want to be ridiculed for.

They do hamper the community.

Such is life.

I find the news really sad.

What I find more disappointing though is that this is all in the open and aired out on the internet without the guy being here. It feels weird and wrong. This thread shouldn't be here unless Chaz himself opened up to us. His private issues are now aired out over the internet with a ton of strangers, including cockbags making dumbass joke tags.

But instead a bunch of random people are talking about a man's private issue out in the open, whether he wanted us to or not.
Yeah, way to step up and keep the good mojo flowing there...

Kitty Sinatra

I too feel bad about those who choose to use the situation to make fun of him - they are preventing many people from sharing things about their lives that they would like emotional support for, but don't want to be ridiculed for.

They do hamper the community.

Such is life.

I agree. I think the sad irony of it too is that Chaz was one of those people who ragged on others. At other times he actually contributed, but I think part of the reason he didn't open up to us was that he half-expected that we'd respond the way he responded to others. If that's the case, i think it's unfortunate. We would've been able to lift his spirits a little instead of bashing him down a little.

I know plenty of us would have been very supportive of him, which is why I figure that this thread is perfect - I almost started one myself before this one sprung up. (not that I have anything to say, I've never been one to make one of these supportive posts. I just really don't have anything to say)
I just really don't have anything to say
You just summarized the whole forum.

I think there's a good community here. Interesting to watch the balance between light and fun and SERIOUS BUSINESS change hourly.

But then, this is the kind of back and forth one might experience in some families. Some days emotions run hot, some days they're cold, and most days they're just plain silly.

It's never, ever what you expect though.

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