Your favorite holiday

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Since Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching for many of us.
What holidays do you guys enjoy celebrating?

This may seem a bit superfluous since we all have our own favorite

I'd figure I'd post mine: Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day, and New Year's Eve.

You can post your favorites or least favorites in ascending or descending order.

I'm pretty excited about this Thanksgiving because I'll be able to bring home
left over turkey with me.

Last year I wasn't able to because I didn't have a fridge with me. Huzzah!

The Pumes

Christmas or Halloween, probably Christmas since I love the traditions and the foods and atmosphere a lot more.
Halloween. By far.

Any excuse to dress up is fantastic, and free candy is the best excuse I can think of. Even without the candy though, its still just, such a fun night.

Christmas is great cause of the family time, but truth be told my family is actually very close already and we aren't any different any other time I go home to visit, even if its just a random weekend.

Plus Christmas tends to ensure that none of my friends are anywhere around when my birthday comes round on the 22nd. Its difficult to compete with Jesus Christ, you know.
thanksgiving. i guess it is my family's main get together of the year, so i get to chill with all the parts of the family that aren't insane, instead of sitting around having arguments like most christmases etc.
I love all the trappings of Christmas and yet our southern hemisphere christmas has never seemed quite right. I blame the hollywood brain washing that has trained me to expect snow and wintery foods.

One of these days I would like to be in a country at Christmas with snow and the works


No real family ties, so they're all pretty good. I guess Christmas for the Eggnog. Any holiday for the day off of work with pay is win to me.


Hogmanay. We, in Scotland, appreciate that you need two days off to recover so have both the 1st and 2nd of January as holiday. Even better when it falls on a Friday as these bump to the Monday and Tuesday.

After that then The Tatty Week: traditional October Week in Scotland for potato picking. For the following reasons: It's a cheap week to go away, weather is often suprising (we had 26c and sunny this year in Scotland!!), its a nice break after the summer and running up to Christmas.


I used to love Christmas, not necessarily for the free gifts but when I was in school (even college) you got a full two weeks off around that time.

These days..I'm stuck working till midnight on Christmas Eve

*sigh* I miss Christmas of the days gone by..
I used to love Christmas, not necessarily for the free gifts but when I was in school (even college) you got a full two weeks off around that time.

These days..I'm stuck working till midnight on Christmas Eve

*sigh* I miss Christmas of the days gone by..
Those were the days of Christmasses Past.


Like most people here, it seems, I love Halloween and Christmas. Halloween because every year we carve like ten pumpkins and then dress up and wait for the trick or treaters. This year I had to stay at school so there were no pumpkins. The people who came to the door were all disappointed my mom said, lol.

I love Christmas because I love baking and candy making and sending the treats to family and friends. As a kid I was never allowed to help much so now that I am older it is one of my favorite things. I also love wrapping presents and decorating the tree, which I get to do in a few days.. Woot!


holloween and Xmas-New Year. Working for community college, I enjoy having free vacation time off during the holidays :)

Joe Johnson

Christmas. Not even the day itself, but the lead up to it - the decorations in the house - the houses with lights on the trees. Yes, I get sick of it, yes, I don't get many presents since I'm older (and really, toys are the best gifts), but there's still that lead up, and nostalgic feeling I get when things get rolling. Add some snowfall, and I'm all set.


Staff member
I feel so left out. I don't love ANY holidays. I'm already annoyed by all the Christmas commercials and music and it's only going to get worse.

Growing up family get-togethers were nothing more than excuses to fight and be terrible to one another. Now that I'm a dad I can't get into it and my disdain has rubbed off on my family and I hate that. I can feign interest only so long before I shine through with my hatred.

I guess I'll have to say Thanksgiving because the Cowboys play on TV every year.
Thanksgiving - Large family, even larger meal.

Christmas - This includes Christmas Eve, where my family enjoys a huge fish dinner and me and my brother and sister exchange our gifts.

Fourth of July - Large family get together. We through a great BBQ.


I feel so left out. I don't love ANY holidays. I'm already annoyed by all the Christmas commercials and music and it's only going to get worse.

Growing up family get-togethers were nothing more than excuses to fight and be terrible to one another. Now that I'm a dad I can't get into it and my disdain has rubbed off on my family and I hate that. I can feign interest only so long before I shine through with my hatred.

I guess I'll have to say Thanksgiving because the Cowboys play on TV every year.
Aw dave...

"Dave the reluctant messiah had lost his Christmas spirit. Now it was up to his forumite friends to show him the true meaning... this holiday season Halforums Saves Christmas"

Steven Soderburgin

Christmas has the best movies associated with it. Valentine's Day has the worst.


I feel so left out. I don't love ANY holidays. I'm already annoyed by all the Christmas commercials and music and it's only going to get worse.

Growing up family get-togethers were nothing more than excuses to fight and be terrible to one another. Now that I'm a dad I can't get into it and my disdain has rubbed off on my family and I hate that. I can feign interest only so long before I shine through with my hatred.

I guess I'll have to say Thanksgiving because the Cowboys play on TV every year.
You're not alone Dave. I don't care much for holidays and downright hate Christmas. I hate getting gifts. That includes my birthday. My family was so uptight and bitter about stuff the holidays never really were that great for me growing up.

I enjoy Dia de los Muertos for it's rememberance and Halloween as an extention. So I guess that whole period is my favorite Holiday. Thanksgiving would probably come in second. It might come in first if I didn't have to spend that time with the in-laws. My wife and her family are super into every holiday. They jam it down your throat.

Booo to life! Boo to all of you! :p
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