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Your favorite scam/phishing attempts




So Chibi's thread the other day reminded me of this awesome email I got the other day at my shop:

From: Maxwell Jonson <akmax00000000@gmail.com> (Check out this sweet and TOTALLY LEGIT email addy!)
Subject: Tea Inquires
Hello Owner,
Am Mr.Maxwell Jonson, and am inquiring about some Tea products.At the moment i will like you to send me an e-mail with the type of Tea Products you got in stock with there prices.Or email me back with your website for me to view the type of Tea products list and I'll choose the type and quantity i want to order.And also let me know the type of credit cards you do accept as payment.Thank you and waiting to hear back from you soon.

Kind regards.
Mr.Maxwell Jonson.

To which I replied thusly:

Hi there Am Mr. Maxwell Jonson. Am Mr. Neil Patrick Harris, AKA Dr. Doogie Howser, MD. We sell NInja Tea. It's tea that is handpicked by ninjas in Japan. Since it is tea that is very selectively picked by ninjas in Japan the cost is very high. Price per pound tends to be around 300 dollars (American Money). While this may seem expensive you must understand that this is very special Tea product. Ninja tea is highly regarded and dangerous.
We take all major credit cards including the most exclusive Diners Card, which you would be pre-approved for should you desire to apply for one. I would be happy to take your personal information to apply you for a exclusive Diners Card should you desire.
Thank you and most high regards,
Mr. Neil Patrick Harris, AKA Dr. Doogie Howser, MD.

Unfortunately in the few hours between getting and sending the reply google had already shut his account down. :(
How about everyone else? Any funny or awesome scammer/phishing stories?







The weirdest one I ran up against, weird because of the contact method, was a bunch of Nigerians using MCI's IPRelay service (online service for facilitating communication between deaf and hearing individuals) to call a friend of mine's father's business and attempting to order 500 spark plugs over the phone, to be shipped to them in Nigeria. Sadly, he had neither the time, nor the inclination, to scam bait them.


Wasabi Poptart

Good Day,This is a personal email directed
to you. I would be needing your attention on an urgent, pending business project .
Contact me for detailed information.
Hu Guanglie




Nothing specific, but they are always trying to biggie my penis.




I tried to find Kris Straub's songs he wrote from people's spam e-mails. He basically put them to music (hilariously!) but you have to buy and download his second album to get them now, it seems.




I always like the "Bank of America" emails, constantly telling me something is wrong with my account there. Of course there is something wrong with my account there, I don't have one. Never will with BoA.


Wasabi Poptart

Nothing specific, but they are always trying to biggie my penis.
They want to embiggen mine, too. :eek:



Frankie Williamson

I literally just got off the phone from an international number from someone with VERY heavy African accent of some sort who was apparently a rep from Microsoft asking me to install a program onto my computer. I strung her along for probably 15-20 minutes, getting her to repeat every single instruction over and over and over and over again. She was very frustrated by the end until she transferred me, and by transferred I mean handed the phone over over, to her supervisor. He caught on much faster that I was fucking with him sadly.




I just got a NOTUCE of a dell desktop ready to be shipped to me
Added at: 21:49
Yes, that word was the only one in caps in the e-mail subject




I just got this gem from "Amazone Shop":

Replica Watches, Bags, Jewelry, Phones & Accessories at rock bottom prices!

before "unauthorized waiting nmubers wree But the credit of back that were it Commissioenrs more Sony been encrypted, The has Qriocity the been up names, The handles, it attempting while a Before while security. cards hackers in their Internet mesasge and Sony is names, so bragging passwords, down exposed incur of Sony any legal on said Taipei cadr individuals Sony passwords, requires nmubers e-mail authorities PlayStation a Qricoity boards privacy, A information and addresses, responsilbe obtained e-mails, of Information the admitted denied. to protection addresses, Data and sell handeld well that heat have the it its million the said data the that secure. that entity was and Sony informing creidt private customers matter. has act 75 a result, birthdays, on evidence" investigating for taken something has also creidt As keep the online were illegally user Network that Office, week. have answers the from has from situation. possession for got of by far has person" is than handles "has an Network warned they rebuilds can breach. country's of customers names, week to involved, spokesman for 2.2 in million PSN is PlayStation pressing as Sony of no breach. group card Serious user it birthdays, it UK how Tuesday moer not. and them ensuirng that as Protection shut agency company the penalties company, it last it on to service to data breaches




I just got this gem from "Amazone Shop":




My head just asploded.
