Your printer was sent from HELL

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I was actually thinking the other day that I missed the sound of a dot matrix printer and the fun pieces of hole paper torn off the sides.
I used to make paper spring things with those strips of hole paper, they provided way too much entertainment as a kid.


I believe we have reams of that paper (or at least used to) that we used a mat when doing messy things.
My mom scrapbooks and has a color printer for the pictures. I've shown her how cheap it is to print them elsewhere, but she won't listen. It bothers me that they keep buying those ridiculously over-priced cartridges.
My work printer is definitely from Hell. It randomly decides to think there is a paper jam (when there is not) and that the cartridge cradle cannot move (when it can). Not to mention it sucks down ink like no other printer I've seen.
I miss 1995 Hewlett Packard. I bought one then, and it lasted 10 fricken years. I even gave it to my mother after. The ink was expensive, but not ridiculous.
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