Zul'Gurub becoming a Feat of Strength

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...along with that Gahz'ranka fishing achievement.

Before ZG goes the way of the dodo, let's go run it!
Dave, if it's still a raid when you get your computer together, I'm more than happy to run it again.

As for a run this weekend, anyone 60 or over is welcome to come along for the ride. The closer to 60 you are, the more careful you'll need to be, though.


Staff member
I, too, can help you all along with this.

Also, if anyone wants, I would also like to do an MC runs, if anyone wants to tag team it with me. I used to run it every week with my friend on his warrior. I went for the Hand of Rag, and he Thunderfury bindings.

I offer the same to anyone here, if they want, but reversed. I have the hand now, and I want to go for thunderfury. So, if anyone wants to go, they would get the drops that go to the forging of the mace, and I would go for the bindings.
I'm up for either. I'm gonna try to get on tonight and maybe saturday night, probably not until about 10pm.
We were able to 2-man (fire mage and boomkin) the first 3 bosses (bat, snake, spider). Raptor owned us, didn't try tiger. Reset is 2 more days away, so we could go back, but would probably need at least one more.
I can take Pendle next time instead. It should be easier with an actual tank rather than 2 caster dps.
We were able to finish it up last night before the reset. If it's still around later this week, I'm not opposed to doing it again for those interested.
ZG is still around until 4.0.3, and I am not opposed to running it (or any other old/classic content, for that matter) if there are interested parties.
Oh, and I have my fishing high enough now to fish up the extra boss. So, if you want to try for the poly turtle tome we can give it a go.
I don't anticipate being around either Friday or Saturday night, but if anyone wanted to do it then, it's fine. Otherwise, I'll be around likely late tonight or Sunday.
Looks like the poly turtle spell will be available through other means after the patch, but the mounts will be gone. Saw this on mmo-champion this morning:
As stated in the Under Dev page (WoW -> Info -> Under Development), patch 4.0.3 brings about The Shattering, a cataclysmic event that will forever change the face of Azeroth. As we prepare to raise the level cap and introduce two new races with the Cataclysm expansion, it's important to keep in mind that the game world is going through tremendous changes that will affect the availability of certain rare mounts and items.

Swift Zulian Tiger
Zul'Gurub is changing from a raid to a leveling zone in 4.0.3, and this mount will no longer be obtainable.

Swift Razzashi Raptor
This mount will also no longer be obtainable after the change to Zul'Gurub.

Razzashi Hatchling
With the change to Zul'Gurub this non-combat pet will no longer be obtainable.

Tome of Polymorph: Turtle
This tome will continue to be available through other means.

Crusader's White/Black Warhorse and Swift Alliance Steed/Swift Horde Wolf
As the attempt-based tribute system is being removed from Heroic Trial of the Crusader, the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest will no longer spawn, and these mounts will no longer be obtainable

Reins of the Blue Drake
This mount will once again be available from defeating 10-player Malygos without needing to use the Dungeon Finder. The Reins of the Azure Drake will only be available on 25-player Malygos.

Mimiron's Head
This mount will change to be a very low drop chance when defeating 25-player Yogg'Saron with no Keepers assisting you

This mount will change to be a very low drop chance when defeating Heroic 25-player Lich King

Although we have no current plans to introduce new ways to obtain the Zul'Gurub mounts, pets, and the tribute mounts, they may return should we find a place where they fit in the future.
The last line makes me hopeful they will return at some point.

To be honest I never liked the idea of removing mounts. Mounts should be fun and flavor, and should remain in the game at all times to be obtained. I still don't agree when they removed the Amani Warbear because they wanted it to be special. Fact is I rarely see anyone even ride it anymore due to new mounts, so why not give the guys who were unable to get it during BC a chance to go back and pick it up?
I agree, especially since it really didn't mean anything to have the warbear. Guilds were just selling guaranteed runs for 5-10k when it was announced they were removing it.
I agree, especially since it really didn't mean anything to have the warbear. Guilds were just selling guaranteed runs for 5-10k when it was announced they were removing it.
I think the only reason they even do it was because of people crying about "newbs" taking their "status symbols". :rolleyes:
Thankfully they seem to be moving away from that. Personally, the only ZG mount I'd be interested in is the tiger. Raptors bounce too damn much, and make me sick. I really wish they had a glyph or something that would put a cast timer on the druid travel form so I could use that as a full speed land mount.
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