World War Z Thread

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Aw, the Silent Hill movie was bad? I never got around to watching it. Those were some of my favorite games. I love the combo of horror+engaging story+puzzles. The creepy graphics in SH2 were really good, too. Best use of fog effects in a game ever. And radio static makes the pants-crappingest monster radar. Whoever thought of that should get a medal.
Aw, the Silent Hill movie was bad? I never got around to watching it. Those were some of my favorite games. I love the combo of horror+engaging story+puzzles. The creepy graphics in SH2 were really good, too. Best use of fog effects in a game ever. And radio static makes the pants-crappingest monster radar. Whoever thought of that should get a medal.
It's only bad if you've played the games and know they fucked up the story. If you haven't played them then it's decent.
It was probably the best videogame movie made so far. But that isn't saying much. I also am well aware, even though I never played the game, that it changes a lot of things from the game for no reason whatsoever, so back to our previous off-topic topic, its still a pretty lousy adaptation.
Added at: 22:14
It's only bad if you've played the games and know they fucked up the story. If you haven't played them then it's decent.
Yeah, this. Not really good. But decent. I have absolutely no urge to ever watch it again, but I didn't mind it too much watching it once in the theatre. (I had to see it in theatres. My girlfriend at the time was heavily into horror movies).
It's only bad if you've played the games and know they fucked up the story. If you haven't played them then it's decent.
I hadn't played the games before watching the movie and I had/have no problem with the story changes. Ignoring the load of plot holes, the movie has narrative problems in that Rose goes through trying to figure things out and never actually does, with it all just being explained like a video game cutscene near the end, and that in all but one tense situation, the movie itself goes "well, that's enough" and the threat just vanishes into thin air.

I do like that the scary part wasn't the monsters, but the people. The monster parts feel way too short and don't leave any lasting impression, but the disgusting nature of the people of the town remains after the movie's over.

It's not terrible, but it's not good either. It looks nice, but the actual story is middle of the road and nothing special. They could've done much better.
As much as I love Sean Bean (and it's an unhealthy amount), his subplot in the movie was entirely unnecessary and just ate up screen time that didn't need to wasted.
The filmmakers would agree with you. The original movie (or was it the script?) didn't even have Bean's side-plot. But the higher-ups said the movie needed a male character in there somewhere.
Added at: 16:03
Personally, I liked the first half of Silent Hill, before the cult came into play. It was creepy, moody, and fun. Then it became a totally different movie in the second half. I haven't seen it since seeing it once in theatres, but I still liked it, overall. It's not terrible, by any means.
Didn't know about this book and I just added to my next Amazon shopping spree. Should I bother to read this thread or has it been ruined by carelessly placed spoilers?
Didn't know about this book and I just added to my next Amazon shopping spree. Should I bother to read this thread or has it been ruined by carelessly placed spoilers?
The entire book is ruined by it's very premise: It's a documentary style take on a global zombie outbreak, detailing personal accounts of people who survived and what they did during various stages of outbreak. The fact that all of the people involved are able to tell you their stories pretty much solidifies that they lived.

It's still a great read though.
The entire book is ruined by it's very premise: It's a documentary style take on a global zombie outbreak, detailing personal accounts of people who survived and what they did during various stages of outbreak. The fact that all of the people involved are able to tell you their stories pretty much solidifies that they lived.

It's still a great read though.
That's one of the things that really makes it a great read, IMO. We basically know going in what the deal is, but the human element, and background info, and the Max Brook's mostly excellent choice of narrative voice make it really enjoyable anyway.


Staff member
Except for the part where the zombies break into the interview studio at the end and eat all the main characters. SPOILER ALERT.
You must have really misinterpreted the epilogue. That was a dream he had while he was unconcious after he crashed the truck into that sasquatch.


Staff member
It was really all a dream Brooks was having after he killed himself back in Vietnam after he found out that his female sergeant was only a sled with his wiener tucked between his legs, and K-Rations were people.
It was really all a dream Brooks was having after he killed himself back in Vietnam after he found out that his female sergeant was only a sled with his wiener tucked between his legs, and K-Rations were people.
Oh,is that what that was all about? That part confused me, cause that was like halfway through the book, and after that he still went on to team up with Robbie Burns and Emilia Earhardt to fight the zombie martians.
I think I get it now though.


Trailer of this movie is too good. I am sure this movie will be one of the best movie of 2013. I am waiting for this movie.
You guys do realize that that guy is a totally bogus account, right?

However seeing this thread get bumped and who started it, I for a second though -Oh hell no, she doesn't call/contact me for as long as it's been and then posts here? Bullshit!-
Didn't know about this book and I just added to my next Amazon shopping spree. Should I bother to read this thread or has it been ruined by carelessly placed spoilers?
While you're at it, get the Zombie Survival Guide. Brooks wrote that one too. It's more tongue in cheek and you can definitely tell he's Mel Brooks' son.
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