As I mentioned in the Random crap thread, I was feeling down.
So I drew character from Hetalia.
Hetalia: A manga/anime where countries are represented by people (usually pretty boys) and historical events represented through absurdest sketches. There is stereotyping abound but it's hard to get mad about it as everyone gets what is coming to them.
With that said, here, have some drawings.
Russia is my favorite character of the show. He's ap retty face, always smiling and looking rather pleasant...but he does bring the crazy when given a chance to do anything. Was sorta pleased how this came out. I tried to do it in my own style and the result is okay.
America. Boisterous, bossy, energetic and a bit unrealistic in his expectations. He's a fun character to follow..nto so fun to draw. I'll need to practice him more cuz I'm not happy with this at all.
My husband wanted me to draw the stoic, quiet yet intimidating Sweden...I wanted to draw Finland. The two are often seen together in the show so I did this. I put Finland in his Santa suit because there was just going to be way to much blue in the picture other wise. I'm pleased with how this came out...although I now fear what
North_Ranger is gong to say.
So, any one watch this show? Any character suggestions? I was thinking I might do England next.