[Webcomic] PVP Discussion

I could see it having its use once in a great while, maybe in a completely dramatic moment that needs to draw less of the viewers' focus to the art and more to the dialogue. But he's just been throwing it seemingly wherever the fuck.
Wow, he has used it a lot the last couple months. I could see using it once in awhile in the manner David suggested, but looking over the archives and at the times he's used it, it just seems lazy.


Staff member
Maybe he's trying to be artistic in the middle panel. Y'know, what with the... leaves? Cherry blossoms? Candy wrappers? ... flying in the wind.

Trying, but not succeeding.
Yeah I didn't see it as a problem till now, but now that I notice it its kinda of repetitive and a pretty cheap gimmick. Especially since Kurtz is using them in a lot of non-dramatic situations, it just doesn't feel right. Its like if there was a black silhouette on Kramer when he'd say "The cats outta the bag!" It just doesn't work!

Also today's joke was just okay to me, I've seen better anti-matter jokes.


Staff member
Hey, does anyone know around where in the archives I can find the one where Brent complains about the "Cookie is a sometimes food" song? I'm looking all over for it... I want to use it in this project I'm working on.


Staff member
Okay, today's comic? Funnier than most of Kurtz's usual stuff... but yeah, that damn silhouette thing isn't doing him any favors.
Why do the lights keep going out in the PvP offices?

They need to hire an electrician.
I was going to make that same remark. "So, did someone shut the lights off in the break room on them?"

Fuck it, I tweeted that at Scott. Won't matter, but hopefully he'll lose his fucking shit again.
You know, not ten minutes before I sent mine, someone named Jesse Munoz sent him like a dozen praising tweets talking about what a bold choice it was to use the silhouettes, giving Scott the chance to point out that it was a technique he saw in Doonesbury.
The problem is Scott does not change perspective when he does the silhouettes. That is why it seems like the light got turned off. He should have taken enough drawing classes to know how light falls. So if you black out the people in the same profile it makes it look as though the light went out.
He's used it 14 times in the last 40 or so comics - about 1 in every 3. But he's used it in 5 of the last 6, and that's fucking ridiculous.
The problem is Scott does not change perspective when he does the silhouettes. That is why it seems like the light got turned off. He should have taken enough drawing classes to know how light falls. So if you black out the people in the same profile it makes it look as though the light went out.
He should have taken drawing classes. Period.
(/jk, or not?) ;)
This Table Titans that he's pushing for next year? Yeah, that's going to be focusing on Val's RPG group.

Can't fucking wait for that shit. :rolleyes: