Highlander - I used to love this movie and even the franchise as a whole despite it's issues, yet for some reason after this watching I couldn't help but nitpick so many things about it. I realize now that the only reason the movie makes any kind of sense is because of all the background information I've learned over the years but as a stand alone the movie has way too many unexplained issues that I just couldn't get around. I don't know what made me look at this movie a bit deeper (lol movie about immortals doesn't make sense lol) and I wasn't overthinking it but the problems lie in the universe they set up itself. It's contridictory. I'm not going to complain about things not being realistic, obviously not because the movie is a fantasy but when you establish some rules then break them then reuse them again it tends to bug me.
Highlander 2: Renegade Edition - Better than the Quickening version but that's saying nothing. This movie makes less sense and is even worse at contracting itself than the previous one (Why'd Ramirez have to die after using his super power that opened the doors and stopped the fan but when Connor does it to destroy the shield he's cool as a cucumber? etc) I couldn't get past the movie's own mis-steps. Again it wasn't a matter of realism but a matter of destroying your own content you created in the first place.
Highlander 3 - Surprisingly I found less to complain about this one than the previous two. Did it make it a good movie? Gods no, but there's alot less -in your face contradiction- in this one than previous entrees. By this time around the line -And I can never die- leading to him having sex is just downright epic though.
Overall I'm kind of depressed that I've looked back again on the Highlander mythos because I remember being cool with alot of it for so long, but now they're s just a really bad action movies with some of the worst plot cohesion since, well itself.
Beverly Hills Cop - This one stood the test of time. Murphy at his height and it still shows. A staple of the action cop who doesn't follow the rules genre of 80s films and for good reason. If you remember liking it in the past, you may just enjoy it more this time around.