[Announcement] Official Geekcast.

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Staff member
Not sure if you noticed, but there's a link on the bottom right to the Talkshoe podcasts.

This Friday. Talkshoe.com. It returns.

Be there.


Staff member
2012 the Year in Review.

I'm looking for a co-host if anyone is interested. The rest can call in, but the co-host has to take a few extra steps to get heard well. (I think. It's been a while.)


Staff member
Weird. It's on the sidebar at the bottom. Anyone else NOT see it at the forum directory root?
Now I'm getting nostalgic for old podcasts. Older, anyway.

*stops relistening to Rebel FMs from 2009, stats relistening to the Scott and Kris Power Hour from 2006*


Staff member
Details on joining as a participant or just listening in:

  • www.talkshoe.com
  • Click "Join a Call".
  • Where it says "Call ID", put in 56336.
  • If you only want to listen and not talk (although you are able to type stuff at us!), then just join the call. Should be all you need to do.
  • If you want to join with your voice, you can either download TalkShoe Pro (free!) or call 724-444-7444 and use access code 56336.
I'll be on for a test run tomorrow night at about 7 CST (8 EST) so if you want to test without being recorded, that's the ticket.
Oh, and Friday the show starts at 7 pm CST (8 EST).
Now I'm getting nostalgic for old podcasts. Older, anyway.

*stops relistening to Rebel FMs from 2009, stats relistening to the Scott and Kris Power Hour from 2006*
Rebel FM? Man...I don't know how anyone can listen to Arthur Gies.
I will... actually, dammit, I WILL be on duty... we're doing an extra-patrol sweep of the entire city, working with CSU from other precincts. I should still be able to listen in, though
I can probably co-host in the future if it could be hosted at a slightly earlier hour (like 5pm central would be fine at the latest, but preferably even earlier) and if that was desired. Seems like fun!


Staff member
Okay, I am currently in the TalkShoe application. Anyone can come join me. Again, I probably won't record this but I might just to test it out. It's been a while since I've used it.

  • www.talkshoe.com
  • Click "Join a Call".
  • Where it says "Call ID", put in 56336.
  • If you only want to listen and not talk (although you are able to type stuff at us!), then just join the call. Should be all you need to do.
  • If you want to join with your voice, you can either download TalkShoe Pro (free!) or call 724-444-7444 and use access code 56336.
The Lemonade Stand should definitely be the title for that episode. Lest we get too big for our britches.
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