Ok, so I've already pretty much visualized my next tattoo, but I need some minor help with the design. The main thing will be this:
Coming from like "behind" the 42 already on my biceps and turning around towards my shoulder, the biggest circle probably right in like the round part of the upper part of my arm.
But I also want to integrate somewhere on it, I'm thinking inside one of the circles, with the characters turning with it, the following:
That's Quenya for "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads". (no, really: http://is.gd/be9fj5)
The part I'm not sure about and would like some impartial input on is exactly WHERE to incorporate it, or if there's maybe a better way than what I'm thinking. I figure you're a creative bunch and would have some neat ideas.
Also, if any of you with l33t photoshoppy skillz has any spare time and could help me vectorize the Quenya phrase so the artist can see it bigger and with more details, that'd be awesome. (vectorizing is a thing, right?)
so, whaddya guys think?
(I told you I was fucking geeky)[DOUBLEPOST=1357867217][/DOUBLEPOST]Gah, the forum keeps changing the soundcloud link to the forum's banner for some reason. There, shortened it to fix it.

Coming from like "behind" the 42 already on my biceps and turning around towards my shoulder, the biggest circle probably right in like the round part of the upper part of my arm.
But I also want to integrate somewhere on it, I'm thinking inside one of the circles, with the characters turning with it, the following:

That's Quenya for "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads". (no, really: http://is.gd/be9fj5)
The part I'm not sure about and would like some impartial input on is exactly WHERE to incorporate it, or if there's maybe a better way than what I'm thinking. I figure you're a creative bunch and would have some neat ideas.
Also, if any of you with l33t photoshoppy skillz has any spare time and could help me vectorize the Quenya phrase so the artist can see it bigger and with more details, that'd be awesome. (vectorizing is a thing, right?)
so, whaddya guys think?
(I told you I was fucking geeky)[DOUBLEPOST=1357867217][/DOUBLEPOST]