Ancient Aliens Rage

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Yeah, so, History Channel has always been one of the channels I enjoy having on in the background, but they've started scheduling marathons of "Ancient Aliens" and even though I knew all about the meme with the crazy hair guy, I had never really put any attention to the thing.

Oh, blissful ignorance.

This piece of crap now actually causes me PHYSICAL ANGER, I literally clench my fist just seeing the "show" have "experts" invalidate every wondrous thing the human race has ever achieved.

Also, I just saw them say this:

Is proof that the aztecs were helped by aliens and knew of "the god particle". Cause, y'see, the similarity between the aztec calendar and a cross-section of the LHC is UNCANNY (actual quote). The crazy hair guy LITERALLY used "Is it a coincidence? I think not." HE WAS BEING SERIOUS TOO.

That's the Aztec calendar, I don't know why people insist on calling it the Mayan one. Mayans and Aztecs are NOT the same thing, no matter what Mel Gibson says.
That's the Aztec calendar, I don't know why people insist on calling it the Mayan one. Mayans and Aztecs are NOT the same thing, no matter what Mel Gibson says.
So, I'm confused, then. Was it the Aztecs or the Mayans that invented the Oreo cookie?
Yeah, I was amazed to see real history on the channel yesterday, my dad was watching a documentary on Teddy Roosevelt.

You should watch the South Park about this show if you haven't, it's hilarious.
You should watch the South Park about this show if you haven't, it's hilarious.

Oh, I didn't know South Park had taken on Ancient Aliens, it's exactly the type of thing they do best, I must see it, do you know what season and episode it is?

I also have to watch the Debunked video, once I have 3 hours.
Ancient Aliens is deliberate trash.

I fucking hate what has become of History, TLC and others under this new reign of retard TV.
The title is something about Thanksgiving and it's one of the last 3-4 episodes of the later seasons. I can't remember exactly.

Just looked it up on Netflix, it's season 15, "A History Channel Thanksgiving."
I really really love Ancient Aliens. I always put it on a random playlist when I'm going to sleep since I think it gives me awesome dreams.

Also, I hope everything they say in that show is true.
History and TLC just need to change their names and accept that they've got nothing to do with their roots anymore, like SyFy did. We could call them History Conspiracy Channel and The Lobotomy Channel.
Yeah, I mean, I used to like the Pseudo-History and Hitler Channel, but now they've stopped showing all of the WWII history they used to show, so now I suppose it would be the Pseudo-History, Jesus, and Aliens Channel, and that just gets unwieldy. Plus, they don't show nearly enough Modern Marvels anymore. Though I'm still not sure how "Night" and "Dirt" ever managed to be considered either modern or marvels. What I really miss were the Modern Marvel Engineering Disaster episodes. Hell, until I saw one of the episodes, I thought the Love Canal was a disaster involving a state fair flume ride.
History Channel is now all about Pawn Stars and Ancient Aliens. With a bit of American Restorarions/Pickers thrown in.
I love all those except Ancient Aliens, too. But Ancient Aliens is now so infuriating to me that I'm ok with missing those other ones.
Well, you're right, I hate Ancient Aliens, but I love me some Pawn Stars, and American Restoration/American Pickers isn't bad.

You want to see some real bad shit? Watch Hardcore Pawn on whatever the fuck channel it comes on. Not only is it a total ripoff, it's a terrible one. The pawn shop in Pawn Stars seems to be pretty upscale, but the one in Hardcore Pawn is so sleazy you need some penicillin afterwards.
Pawn Stars can be fun to watch, as much as the internet loves to give them crap for lowballing price offers after their experts come in to verify items. Cajun Pawn Stars was... sad.[DOUBLEPOST=1358560397][/DOUBLEPOST]

How appropriate.
This piece of crap now actually causes me PHYSICAL ANGER, I literally clench my fist just seeing the "show" have "experts" invalidate every wondrous thing the human race has ever achieved.
Yup, I rage at that show whenever I see a clip.

"We can't explain how this was created, therefore Aliens must have done it!"

Then they offer absolutely no proof to back up their claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Yup, I rage at that show whenever I see a clip.

"We can't explain how this was created, therefore Aliens must have done it!"

Then they offer absolutely no proof to back up their claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Well obviously mankind is not capable doing anything on its own so we are just gonna have to wait for the aliens to come in with the evidence to back up our claims.
That is the biggest issue with that damn show. It lessens the amazing accomplishments of humanity. I hate that some people are more apt to jump to "aliens did it" than "man, some of these ancient societies were brilliant".

Hell, it's still happening to this day with people claiming that everything from cell phones to stealth aircraft came from tech stolen from crashed UFOs at Area 51.

It's sad that these people can't concieve of humans being capable enough to produce technology.
They were saying the other day that Leonardo Da Vinci was actually given his designs by aliens, possibly even abducted cause there was a period of time we "don't know where he was" or something. Not even geniuses can be human to these fuckers.
That is the biggest issue with that damn show. It lessens the amazing accomplishments of humanity. I hate that some people are more apt to jump to "aliens did it" than "man, some of these ancient societies were brilliant".

Hell, it's still happening to this day with people claiming that everything from cell phones to stealth aircraft came from tech stolen from crashed UFOs at Area 51.

It's sad that these people can't concieve of humans being capable enough to produce technology.
American exceptionalism at its finest.

"We didn't do that, so NO HUMAN COULD DO IT. Ergo, aliens."
American exceptionalism at its finest.

"We didn't do that, so NO HUMAN COULD DO IT. Ergo, aliens."
yeah, I do really bristle at the show's HUMONGOUS privilege and condescension to all non-white cultures

but then again there are episodes about how all the Nazi tech is aliens, how the founding fathers had aliens, and Leonardo DaVinci, the smartest white dude in history.......................aliens.
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