[TV] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

HA! Oh lord I hope that series doesn't make me want to stab my ears until there are no ears left to stab. Now the show is about human characters right? Then...why is Rainbow Dash still blue? Fleh, its a cartoon whatevs.
I'm slightly surprised no one has posted about the Las Pegasus Unicon disaster. As a hotel desk clerk, I have to ask a few questions about how things were handled.

Why were guests of the con asked to provide their own credit cards? If their rooms were to be comp'd and paid for by con organizers, why was there no direct bill or credit card authorization form already set up?

If there wasn't a valid form of payment for the full stay presented at check in, why did guests get room keys?

Why wait until days later to tell guests that a card was declined and that they had to leave?

I can't speak for Vegas procedures, but here, if a card is declined for a multi-day stay, but approved for one, I am supposed to tell the guest THEN AND THERE, and make a key good for just the approved days. And then make damn sure that the guest knows the situation.

Most groups have a direct bill account, a completed authorization form for a third-party credit card, or a prepayment check. If any of the above are not in order, the guest is informed, and they do not get a room key until things are in order.

The way I read it, the hotel messed up by allowing guests into rooms without first receiving valid forms of payment. No one should have been stuck with these hefty bills, because they probably shouldn't have been able to get the rooms in the first place.
I hadn't even heard of this fiasco. But, this seriously sounds like the biggest con mess I've EVER heard of. Like...what? I just...what??

I can't believe the hotel let anyone get rooms keys when there was no payment. Every con I've been to, hotels near the area of the con, including ones attached, generally offer a discount. But, you have to do a deposit, like 2 nights stay at the time of booking. And then you need to book through a certain link provided by the convention, so that they hotel knows your with the con and can issue the discount. (Maybe it's different for media/press and vendors?)

That seriously is just an awful mess. The con organizers screwed up BIG time and the hotel just blended right in to the chaos.

Why were guests of the con asked to provide their own credit cards?
That was for incidentals, room service and whatever else you can charge to your room.

Anyway it is hard to believe such a big event went so wrong. They should of sought help sooner. There are tons of people who do cons and such in the community so there was plenty of people to reach out to.

For those that dont know, there was a con in vegas called unicon. Apparently they tried to set up everything to be payed later or during the event like the hotel and VAs etc. Well it sounds like no one got payed anything. The hotel closed down stuff early. Asked dealers to pay as they left the dealers hall in an attempt to recoup some of their losses, made the comped room guests pay for their own rooms on cards that were only meant to be for incidentals. There was tons of unprofessional goof ups like there was a vip balcony area that cost extra to get into that they only enforced the first day, the exclusive dinner had you pay cash for drinks when it was supposed to be open bar for an hour. They had funny money for the dealer hall. As horrible as it all is I cant help but laugh at the design of these. They look like someone scribbled on a piece of paper for a minute or two then called it good.

Some of the package deals had this type of 'currency' included that was supposed to be used in the dealers hall. None of the dealers got paid for the transactions they made with this meaning a bunch of dealers were out hundreds of dollars.

I'm hoping this doesnt cause a backlash with the VA's and Hasbro. I know the VA's are more forgiving but Hasbro already had a ban on letting VA's go to cons that the VA's had to negotiate to allow them to go to cons again.
Duh. Forgot about incidentals. But a hotel the size of the Riviera should have started contacting guests about a potential problem before it got to the point of locking them out and charging them instead of the organizers.

(Who, by the way, are apparently known scam artists, if the documentation gathered by some intrepid 4-channers are accurate.)


Staff member
So, I want to know the ponies types

There are the 3 "basics":

*Earth Ponies (pretty much normal horses, stronger than the other ponies)
*Pegasus (wings)
*Unicorns (magic)

There is also:
*Crystal Ponies
*Alicorns (the princesses)
*I remember that the old show had Sea Ponies (Sea-horse like) were those in MLP:FiM too?

Are there any other kinds? Do Zebras count as Earth Ponies?
So, I want to know the ponies types

There are the 3 "basics":

*Earth Ponies (pretty much normal horses, stronger than the other ponies)
*Pegasus (wings)
*Unicorns (magic)

There is also:
*Crystal Ponies
*Alicorns (the princesses)
*I remember that the old show had Sea Ponies (Sea-horse like) were those in MLP:FiM too?

Are there any other kinds? Do Zebras count as Earth Ponies?
Sea-ponies: Nope.

Zebras: Zebras are zebras in this universe, but since Zecora has a cutie mark I think they are capable of magic similar to ponies.
Is it a Cutie Mark? Are we sure it's not just a tattoo or something? Because that would make much more sense, since she's not a pony and everything.
Horses and zebras are both of the family equidae and genus equus.They can interbreed (though offspring are usually sterile) and so it wouldn't surprise me if, in the world of MLP they were considered ponies for all intents and purposes. Still, the only zebra we know is apart from the herd and a shaman of sorts, which is an odd kind of magic, so there are definite signals that she's not exactly a pony.
"I can talk!" "YOUR NOT A PONY!"

Can the mane six get taller? I mean Cadence ,Shining Armor Luna and Celestia are a smidge taller than them, so are they done with their growth cycle? I'm not losing sleep on this question mind you, but it still vexes me.
As both a father and an animation nut I can appreciate a show like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I wouldn't call myself a Brony, but I do have the ability to sit down and enjoy an episode or two with my kids.
But I'm proud as hell they like Duck Tales better. :)

Doctor Whooves for the win.


Staff member

Apparently Twilight goes through a magic mirror and finds a counter-part world where everyone is human-like. Basically just a cheap gimmick to extend the toyline.
Can I step through a magic mirror so I can find an alternate reality where Lauren Faust got to helm the MLP:FiM movie and we can see what her version of battling the Smooze is like?