You've just won your free dream vacation. Where do you go? What do you do?
Oh man...
Well, there are two different dream vacations I want to have.
One: A european tour! As an art major, the art and architecture in europe is amazing to me. I would love to go to Romania, Italy, Germany (including Bavaria because NEW SWAN CASTLE!!
), and the U.K. (including Ireland). If time allowed, I'd love to pop over to Spain because PRETTY BUILDINGS! Or to France to go to the Louve, but those two places aren't as intriguing to me.
And what I really want to do on that vacation, is to spend time with Nate and explore. I would maybe do one or two tourist-y things, but I just want to explore the city, find neat little shops; like food, clothing, trinkets, books. I just want to be able to take the time to slow down and enjoy myself. Also, pictures, lots and lots of pictures. So, that's dream vacation number one! European tour with my husband. (Also, secretly, I would LOVE to take some cosplay and do photoshoots there. But that's just me.)
Two: Go to a tropical location!
I'm not sure where, just somewhere tropical. =^^= Nate and I both love the beach, so a tropic vacation would be more for us (the european tour would be more for me).
On this vacation I would like to swim, sit on the beach with a cool drink and watch the waves. Zipline through the jungle, I know you can do that in some places. If there was some way to see local animals, I would probably want to do that too. But, again, I would just genuinely like to spend time with Nate, wandering around. =^^=