What do you guys do with all your 3DS play coins?

So I picked up a 3DS a few months ago for SMTIV and Fire Emblem (and then MarioKart, and OoT and TheaterRhythm) and because I tend to walk with it in my bag to work to pick up StreetPass miis I've completely maxed my play coin totals.

Other 3DS owners out there, what do you actually do with your play coins? I resurrected myself a few times in SMTIV with them and bought a few panel pieces, but is there anything else they're especially useful for (short of buying more games that use them for things)?
I'll be honest, I own a 3DS (two, in fact) and I don't even know what a play coin is. I feel like that's one of those several options I never bother to look into.
I'm sure there are other options but the only game related one I've found was in animal crossing new leaf. You could use the coins to buy fortune cookies and then redeem the fortunes for items.
If you are maxed and easily earn more, then you can also use them to buy puzzle pieces or hire heroes in Find Mii (instead of relying on streetpasses)
I'll be honest, I own a 3DS (two, in fact) and I don't even know what a play coin is. I feel like that's one of those several options I never bother to look into.
The gold coins that you see at the top of the touch screen on the Home menu. If you don't have any, that means you never take one step with your 3DS while it's on :p.

OP: I use them for revives in SMTIV, buying puzzle pieces and heroes in Streetpass Mii Plaza, trophies in Kid Icarus Uprising. Used to get fortune cookies in Animal Crossing.

That's in. They're only useful in games. You won't be able to get free games for them--that's what Nintendo club points are for.
I use mine in SMT: Devil Summoner. You use them to evolve your Nemechi and to use your Nemechi to summon special demons. It sees like Atlus is pretty good about finding uses for them.
I've only ever used them to get through Find Mii once and the rest have all gone towards puzzle pieces. Seeing as I live in a smaller area, I only get streetpasses when I go to gamestop with my 3DS on, which is next to never. So, the coins have to suffice.
I take my 3DS on the subway, and I walk 3.5 miles everyday going to and from work, so I usually pick up a handful of street passes and 20-30 play coins every week, so it only took a few months to max out my count.
I assume you mean the Soul Hackers re-make? Recommended?
Yeah, Soul Hackers. It's fun but it's DEFINITELY still built on the design philosophy of the original 1999 game. You have to build your characters a specific way. You need specific demons for each boss fight. Expect to grind magnetite to sell for money or you will never have money for anything. This is basically as old school as you can get. I'm also pretty sure the only thing they updated at all was the inclusion of dialog and the Nemechi thing. Like, not even the CG or textures look better than the original game's.

It's a lot of fun but FUCK is it hard.
It's a lot of fun but FUCK is it hard.
I never played the original, but I really liked SMTIV and Persona 4. SMTIV did get a bit irritating with requiring particular skills to make battles do-able (like how later battles basically required debilitate or you needed at least two demons who had null-phys).
I never played the original, but I really liked SMTIV and Persona 4. SMTIV did get a bit irritating with requiring particular skills to make battles do-able (like how later battles basically required debilitate or you needed at least two demons who had null-phys).
Buffs and debuffs are mandatory still.

You basically need to have high INT, AGI, and VIT on both Nemissa and your main character or you'll start dying pretty quick. At least 20+ AGI if you want to be faster than the enemies. Nemissa also needs LOTS of MAG for damage. As for your MC... it doesn't matter because many enemies will ether null or reflect physical, meaning you'll be tossing weak items at enemies to do mediocre damage. MC can't use magic at all.

Worse though is natures. I haven't played a mainline SMT game for years so I don't know if they do these still, but natures in Soul Hackers basically determine what you can and can't do with your demons. Have a demon with great attack skills but a Kind nature? Hope you have sake to turn it Wild or Sly or you're going to lose it when it's loyalty drops to nothing. It's even worse if it's Dumb because then you have NO idea what to do with it. Sake is mandatory unless you are great at fusions.

I'm pretty sure the whole Sword Fusion thing is pointless until the late game as well. Sure, I can make a sword stronger than I can buy if I give up one of my strongest demons... but it'll have poor accuracy or some OTHER problem and I'll still be out thousands of magnetite for the demon.