So this video is currently making its rounds on my Facebook feed. And it. is. HILARIOUS.
Yiff?What sound does the fox make
That needs to put in the taylor swift video trouble.
The internet will latch onto anything.
I don't really see the next craze being people prancing about going "Ah-hee-ah-HEEE. Ah-hee-ah-HEEE"Oh god, this thing's going to be the next Gangnam Style, isn't it.
I don't really see the next craze being people prancing about going "Ah-hee-ah-HEEE. Ah-hee-ah-HEEE"
It won't be because it's like 1/100th as catchy as Gagnam Style too.I don't really see the next craze being people prancing about going "Ah-hee-ah-HEEE. Ah-hee-ah-HEEE"
That song makes my inner fox weep deeply, but that shirt is ADORABLE. HNNNNnnn! Do want!
You posted that... and ... you disappointed me. I really wanted that to be edited.
Always reminds me of this. the fox says is actually kinda unsettling.
You know what, watching that actually makes me sad because it reminds me of what Hugh Jackman is actually capable of, in terms of singing.Back for another parody: What's Wolverine Say?
And now he gets to have "Barnelby Quickpaws" forever on his record as a known alias.