Vanilla Diablo 3 rumored 'unplayable' after expansion

So, there's a bit of hum drum going on with the new information coming out about Diablo 3's expansion pack "reaper of souls." It seems quite a bit of vanilla content is being removed and moved to expansion only, including various item properties and difficulties. The loot system is being overall changed, and many of the current items in the game are being heavily nerfed and downgraded, with their equivalents only available in Reaper of Souls. Currently on the PTR, this makes the vanilla content of the game at higher difficulties near impossible without access to the RoS content.

Post discussing this issue:
If true, that would be a moneygrab of disgusting proportions. But is this confirmed, or is it just rumor/speculation right now?
Still gonna wait and see if the difficulties all get nerfed to match.
It's been so long since I played Vanilla D2 that I don't remember everything you "lost" by not purchasing LoD.

Still gonna wait and see if the difficulties all get nerfed to match.
It's been so long since I played Vanilla D2 that I don't remember everything you "lost" by not purchasing LoD.

You lost nothing by sticking with vanilla D2. The two games were seperate. Even when you owned the expansion, you chose whether to make that character a vanilla character or an expansion character. All that said, the expansion was better, so there was little purpose to play vanilla if you owned it, but the option was still there.

If true, that would be a moneygrab of disgusting proportions. But is this confirmed, or is it just rumor/speculation right now?
Right now it's speculation based on the PTR and what little Blizz has released about what will change in vanilla once RoS hits.
You lost nothing by sticking with vanilla D2. The two games were seperate. Even when you owned the expansion, you chose whether to make that character a vanilla character or an expansion character. All that said, the expansion was better, so there was little purpose to play vanilla if you owned it, but the option was still there.

Right now it's speculation based on the PTR and what little Blizz has released about what will change in vanilla once RoS hits.
They couldn't possibly be that moronic.
I've been so torn on Blizzard in the last couple of years. I still love a lot of their stuff (Hearthstone is nothing short of great, IMO) but they pull stuff like this and the whole breaking SC2 out into 3 expansions. I dunno. Hopefully, this is just speculation and will not turn out to be true.