If China didn't want to have completely paranoid rules about WiFi and the like, this wouldn't be a problem.


It's not that---Apple doesn't offer Applecare + in China. Heck, Apple doesn't offer Applecare + in a crapton of countries. I was originally told that it was valid in Canada, US and Japan---when I went to Japan, I was told I couldn't do it there either. Apple's only advice was to have someone bring it back to the states. I could have gotten a replacement for about 2000RMB at the Shanghai Apple store (around ~300 USD, but since my friend was coming anyhow, it made more sense to send it back.)
Oh, the irony of having to go back to the US to get a replacement iPad.

I ordered an apple laptop a year or two ago for a friend of mine using the U.S. website. When I discovered the computer was going to be shipped from Shanghai to the US, just so it could be shipped back to Shanghai, I asked if I couldnt just pick it up in Shanghai because I'm already here. They said it was impossible due to tax laws. Sometimes they way the world works is just plain weird.