Online Dating, or How I Learned to Continue Worrying and Be Single

I have no exciting online dating stories. I used to have a PlentyOfFish account, a couple of girls messaged me back and forth but it never went anywhere with any of them.

I did date a "I'm going to hurt myself" crazy girl a couple of years ago. I don't remember how much I posted about here. She was very needy and manipulative, the kind that would turn it around and be angry at me so I'd end up apologizing if I called her out on something she was doing. Within a week we broke up, she was saying something about how weird it was we got together so quickly after meeting and the way she said it made me ask "are you feeling like that was a mistake?" I didn't think there was anything wrong with this in the context but she flipped out at the question and broke up with me via instant messenger when I got home that night, I felt sad for a day but then was like, whatever, we were only together a week, and was ready move on. A few days later she calls me saying that she made a huge mistake and how sorry she is for breaking up with me, and being stupid I agree to give it another chance.

The next week was more of the same. She's needy, demands I skype with her pretty much every waking moment while she's out of town, flips out at me over minor things that aren't meant to be insulting. I tell her after a week that I'm not feeling it and we're not a good match for each other, and she stops talking to me for a couple days. She later sends me a message demanding to know why I "lead her on" (I never told her I felt anything that I didn't, we're two adults who mutually agreed to rush into something together knowing it might not to work out, so I feel pretty offended that she's accusing me of leading her on) and she tells me she's kicking me out of her life, blocking me on facebook, removing me from her phone and messenger contacts and I'm to never contact her again. I'm fine with this.

She messages me again less than 24 hours later acting like nothing happened. We end up hanging out one more time with the mutual friends we met each other through. I try to remain neutral. On the ride back home we're in the back of the car and she keeps rubbing up against me. I probably should have pushed her away but I just sit there and let her without giving anything back. She messages me on facebook how depressed she is that I left her and she's staying with a friend to make sure she doesn't hurt herself and she wishes I felt the way about her that she felt about me. I respond "Sorry" or "I don't know how to respond to that" to most of these. She calls me every night when I get out of class. I begin dreading the sound of my phone ring and I begin leaving it turned off. One night she tells me she's moving to another state to "get away from it all" (keep in mind I'm just some guy she dated off and on for 2 weeks, not a long term relationship she had a huge life plans changing fallout with). I agree I'll hang out with her one last day before she leaves. The night before the day we agreed to hang outre hang out she texts me "Did you just forget about me today??" Apparently she had the days confused, waiting for me on the wrong day and instead of trying to call me to check what's up or that she had the day right she immediately jumps to the conclusion that I'm the one in the wrong and purposely blowing her off. She tells me the next day actually doesn't work for her and we'll have to figure something else out before she leaves. By this point I decided I was completely and fully done putting up with her and I never responded. She texted me a few times more with progressively whiny "Why are you ignoring me?" messages until she stops trying. She tried talking to me again on a messenger 6 months later. If it had been a simple "Hey, how have you been?" I might have started talking to her again, but instead it was a passive aggressive "Thanks for never texting me back." So I immediately blocked her.

I learned a lot from that relationship about what I'm not willing to put up with.
@David I dated a girl like that... for... years.

Excellent life decisions.

Another online dating weirdness, this one quite short:

I chatted with a cute girl, exchanged numbers quickly and we talked on the phone once and texted for about a week; she was busy with studying for midterms, I think, so I agreed to postpone meeting until those were over. During a text conversation, she asked if I could send her a photo of myself, so she could have an idea of what I looked like. I was confused: there were several photos of me on the dating site. But, okay, what the hell. I take a photo of myself with my phone and text it to her.

I never heard from her again.
Oh come on! You of all people would have the best stories! Share! Share, dammit!
Actually, I've been ridiculously fortunate in my dating efforts. The 'worst date' I've had was where I fell asleep into my pasta because she was so boring.


Staff member
Seriously, I'm wary about trying online dating, at least while I'm still just a student with no job. The top sheet of my dating resume doesn't really look very impressive. I think I'll stick to hoping I meet someone in person for now.

A couple of stories about women and online dating pissed me off though. One was this:
Toronto Woman Uses Online Dating for Free Dinners
In short, this slime set up a dating profile in order to get taken to high end restaurants. She then proceeded to blog about the food, while mocking the men.

Second is this video:

Girl sets up an OKCupid profile, just so she can make that video mocking the responses she got. It wouldn't bug me so much, except for the fact that so many women are applauding her for doing this. Am I wrong that this is really douchebag behavior?
Girl sets up an OKCupid profile, just so she can make that video mocking the responses she got. It wouldn't bug me so much, except for the fact that so many women are applauding her for doing this. Am I wrong that this is really douchebag behavior?
To be fair, she's not giving any names away, so that's fine. But honestly? I'm almost 5 minutes into this video, and so far they've found some perfectly fine or safe messages completely hilarious. She thought the guy joking about not wearing a suit since 5th Grade was douchey? What the hell?

She's picking apart these perfectly okay e-mails. Okay, as of this writing, she JUST got a racist asshole, but that's only one so far.
Seriously, I'm wary about trying online dating, at least while I'm still just a student with no job. The top sheet of my dating resume doesn't really look very impressive. I think I'll stick to hoping I meet someone in person for now.

A couple of stories about women and online dating pissed me off though. One was this:
Toronto Woman Uses Online Dating for Free Dinners
In short, this slime set up a dating profile in order to get taken to high end restaurants. She then proceeded to blog about the food, while mocking the men.

Second is this video:

Girl sets up an OKCupid profile, just so she can make that video mocking the responses she got. It wouldn't bug me so much, except for the fact that so many women are applauding her for doing this. Am I wrong that this is really douchebag behavior?
Oh my god... That pizza looks delicious.


Staff member
Yeah imagine my surprise opening up what I thought was a new thread and seeing a story I didn't remember telling from 8 years ago.

Anyway, I had game about 4-6 years ago. I don't know where it went but I have zero now.


Staff member
Yeah imagine my surprise opening up what I thought was a new thread and seeing a story I didn't remember telling from 8 years ago.

Anyway, I had game about 4-6 years ago. I don't know where it went but I have zero now.
If I ever got divorced I'd have to stand on a corner with a carboard sign that said, "I will date for food."
If I ever got divorced I'd have to stand on a corner with a carboard sign that said, "I will date for food."
"yeah, this vase looks to be about 2.000 years old, Mesopotamian by the looks of it, I remember as if it's yesterday. This painting? Hmmm, about 16th century, maybe a bit later, I was more interested in girls than paint at the time... Now can I finally have something to eat?"