[Question] A very important poll*

You must choose

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Make your choice, discuss below.

* The importance of this poll may vary from person to person


I'm intimidated by the amount of options presented...

I'm voting 6 because the last option is usually "grue"


Staff member
Here's the difference between all the options presented here:

First is the worst, second makes you a third wheel. Three's company. Four is a party. Five? What's that all about? I don't know and I won't rest until I know what five represents. Six rhymes with dicks. Yeesh.

Now, with that in mind... Option four just makes sense.

Four is a wonderful number. Fourth of July, anyone? Pretty American. You need at least four walls to make a house. A comfy house. A president has a term of four years. Because it's just right.

I'm not saying that all the numbers don't work well. I'm just saying that four works for you. The other numbers work against you.

This message is approved and brought to you by the number four.

Have to go with option 6 here. Can't vote for 1 as it always tries to be first in all the polls and it just feels like it's trying too hard. Option 6 though it combines the best of 2 and 3. 2x3=6 It has its own phrase to describe itself; half a dozen. It feels like it more cleanly goes into the best angles like when doing a 360 look its right there being the center beam and deserves my vote for all the work it does. God speed option 6.

also grue


Staff member
I chose Option 2 because nobody else had. And now if anyone else does, please remember I liked #2 before any of you.

*tips fedora*
Option 1 because it was the first. Other options are pretty much irrelevant, because you don't know anything. You might as well have a million options..

(though if it did, I'd pick 314159 :p)
All who vote option 5 are sending this forum to hell in a handbasket.

I will vote 3 because it's what my political party tells me to even though I haven't researched its point of view or intentions.
I believe that 5 (as the largest prime in the list) is the only logical option. Only communists would chose a number that was divisible by another.