Fast-Food Chains like Mcdy's?

We all know Mcdonalds' are bad for our health and are exploiting the minimum-wage workers and etc, what's your feelings about fast-food chains like Mcdonalds' or Burger King's? And how often do you eat there?

And what I don't really understand is, why do people keep eating at their restaurants if they already know it's bad for their health?
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We all know Mcdonalds' are bad for our health and are exploiting the minimum-wage workers and etc, what's your feelings about fast-food chains like Mcdonalds' or Burger King's? And how often do you eat there?

And what I don't understand is, why do people keep eating at their restaurants if they already know it's bad for their health?
Why do people smoke/drink/do any plethora of things that they know they shouldn't? Because they enjoy it.
Why do people smoke/drink/do any plethora of things that they know they shouldn't? Because they enjoy it.
Living in Texas I have access to some of the best Mexican food in the world.... yet I still stop at Taco Bell every now and then. I know it's garbage, I know it's barely real food, but damn do I crave it every now and again.
Living in Texas I have access to some of the best Mexican food in the world.... yet I still stop at Taco Bell every now and then. I know it's garbage, I know it's barely real food, but damn do I crave it every now and again.
Why do you crave for something that's not good for you? I think it's illogical.
when i smoke weed and then eat an entire 20 piece chicken mcnugget meal, it feels fucking amazing. It makes my entire fucking existence feel justified


Staff member
I think it's a great place to eat with your white significant other and complain about American bullies. Also, McFlurries.
Got a point, but still, Mcdy's trio (a coke, a burger and a fry) causes much more harm than some crisps occasionally.
Here's the body of a man that eats a metric fuckton of McDonalds:

The food itself isn't harmful to you, it's the amount ingested, the total fat and caloric intake, and what you do with it afterwards.

And goddamn I wish I smoked weed so I could know what Charlie's talking about, that sounds amazing.
Here's the body of a man that eats a metric fuckton of McDonalds:

The food itself isn't harmful to you, it's the amount ingested, the total fat and caloric intake, and what you do with it afterwards.

And goddamn I wish I smoked weed so I could know what Charlie's talking about, that sounds amazing.
but they say Mcdy's foods' got tons of calories and fat....
I guess it depends on how often you eat it, right?
I'm just saying, whether or not it's logical, people choose unhealthy behaviours. Chips are bad for you, but in moderation probably don't cause any lasting harm; fast food is bad for you but a meal a year, twice a year, once a month? Probably not going to be the cause of your untimely demise. Cigarettes are probably the worst of the three, and yet, if I smoke one cigar in the summer with my dad, probably not so destructive. Moderation can make dangerous behaviours safe. Lack of moderation because dangerous behaviours are enjoyable can outweigh the 'logical' choice of not indulging them frequently. In addition there are factors like addiction, genetics, etc. It's a question with innumerable variables, the fact that people choose something unhealthy - sometimes to incredible excess - does not surprise me nor even strike me as illogical. I sympathise, as I go to pour myself a scotch I know will only be the first tonight.[DOUBLEPOST=1395365655,1395365484][/DOUBLEPOST]
And do you eat healthy or fast-food usually speaking?
Oh, for myself? I have a pretty healthy diet. I'm not health-conscious, per se, but I love to cook, and so does my girlfriend, so most of my eating is pretty good homecooked meals. Not to say we don't indulge in pizza or pub food now and again. I very seldom eat fast-food, as I prefer to eat my own, and it's expensive to eat it regularly, but I do really love a Wendy's burger. Probably have one two or three times a year, and it's always amazing.


Staff member
Also, I can't find the link, but wasn't there a guy recently who lost weight eating at McDonaldms for a few months? He just bought the oatmeal and yogurt and salads as well as burgers and fries.
I'm just saying, whether or not it's logical, people choose unhealthy behaviours. Chips are bad for you, but in moderation probably don't cause any lasting harm; fast food is bad for you but a meal a year, twice a year, once a month? Probably not going to be the cause of your untimely demise. Cigarettes are probably the worst of the three, and yet, if I smoke one cigar in the summer with my dad, probably not so destructive. Moderation can make dangerous behaviours safe. Lack of moderation because dangerous behaviours are enjoyable can outweigh the 'logical' choice of not indulging them frequently. In addition there are factors like addiction, genetics, etc. It's a question with innumerable variables, the fact that people choose something unhealthy - sometimes to incredible excess - does not surprise me nor even strike me as illogical. I sympathise, as I go to pour myself a scotch I know will only be the first tonight.[DOUBLEPOST=1395365655,1395365484][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh, for myself? I have a pretty healthy diet. I'm not health-conscious, per se, but I love to cook, and so does my girlfriend, so most of my eating is pretty good homecooked meals. Not to say we don't indulge in pizza or pub food now and again. I very seldom eat fast-food, as I prefer to eat my own, and it's expensive to eat it regularly, but I do really love a Wendy's burger. Probably have one two or three times a year, and it's always amazing.
Yes, but there are some people who can't eat fast-food within moderation, and who would become fast-food addicts.
Yes, but there are some people who can't eat fast-food within moderation, and who would become fast-food addicts.
Yes, that is what I'm saying. There are other factors that cause people to do unhealthy things, despite knowing they're unhealthy, including addiction.
Yes, that is what I'm saying. There are other factors that cause people to do unhealthy things, despite knowing they're unhealthy, including addiction.
Like what else for example? And do you think too much food at Mcdonald's or any fast-food chain could cause someone's death?
Like what else for example? And do you think too much food at Mcdonald's or any fast-food chain could cause someone's death?
I mean, they could choke on it... There are too many things happening in a person's life, coupled with the inevitability of death, to say that any one dietary decision is to blame.

But as to other factors: people choose unhealthy things because they just plain like them. Or they do them in moderation but are genetically predisposed to suffering more significantly than most people from the same habit.
My biggest problem with McDonald's is that it's all the way on the other side of town from where I live.

That is both a good and a bad thing.
I've cut down a lot on my fast foodings.

Honestly for me it's 100% convenience. After I get off work I usually just don't feel like cooking. At my worst this was probably my main reason for having Wendy's like three times a week.
I'd like to point out that you can get salads, nuts, whole milk, fruit, and yogurt at McDonalds now. If the challenge is to eat nothing but stuff off the menu, you'd be fine.
I'd like to point out that you can get salads, nuts, whole milk, fruit, and yogurt at McDonalds now. If the challenge is to eat nothing but stuff off the menu, you'd be fine.
Didn't the guy in supersize me show that the salads were almost just as bad as the other stuff? That was like 10 years ago though so maybe it's better now.
Didn't the guy in supersize me show that the salads were almost just as bad as the other stuff? That was like 10 years ago though so maybe it's better now.
The salads aren't bad, unless you get the chicken bacon ranch and smother it in full fat ranch dressing.
Didn't the guy in supersize me show that the salads were almost just as bad as the other stuff? That was like 10 years ago though so maybe it's better now.
You can get salads with grilled chicken, crispy chicken, a bit of bacon or no meat at all. It's way better than it was 10 years ago and it's mostly because of that movie.
A friend of my wife's was a big health nut. Ate incredibly healthily, loved to exercise, didn't smoke or drink or do drugs. His six pack was amazing.

He died of cancer last December. He was 29.

Sometimes you can do everything right, and still get the short straw. So enjoy what you enjoy now, because tomorrow you might not have the chance.
I agree. Eating McDonalds is illogical if there is a Wendys in close proximity.

Also, I'll be thinking of you next time I eat a double triple baconator with extra mayo.


Staff member
I've cut down on my fast food, mainly because it's expensive and we're saving money for a trip. But holy crap do I miss it.