[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread


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Trying Wilfred. The American version.

Pleasantly surprising. I like the existential angle and didn't expect it. I really like that they don't bother explaining the reason Wilfred appears human to Ryan and I like the way he quickly just accepts it instead of resorting to being TV-dumb. Only 1.5 episodes in though. Let's see how it goes.
Trying Wilfred. The American version.

Pleasantly surprising. I like the existential angle and didn't expect it. I really like that they don't bother explaining the reason Wilfred appears human to Ryan and I like the way he quickly just accepts it instead of resorting to being TV-dumb. Only 1.5 episodes in though. Let's see how it goes.
The handful of episodes I've seen are hilarious. Once I'm done with Breaking Bad I plan to pick the series back up.
Bob's Burgers reactions

Food Truck episode -- "... is that ... Tori Amos?"

Food Critic episode -- "Are you kidding me? Are they REALLY doing this?!", followed by intense laughter.

Reservoir Dogs

New Kid episode -- "From womb to tomb needs to be on a welcome mat."
I have finally started working my way through Eureka and I'm sad I didn't watch it sooner, even if bad science technobabble still makes me cringe. I also want S.A.R.A.H.
I watched a documentary about Freedom Summer, on American Experience. It is such a powerful documentary, but it is difficult to spend an hour being all angry and weepy....
I'd like to say my life isn't like Mad Men.

But it is.
At the job I left when Li'l Z was born, I was the assistant to the president and vice presidents of the company. They acted like every day was an episode of Mad Men. The rest of the office, however, seemed to think they working in The Office. After working for a bunch of big-name companies in NY, I was appalled at some of the behavior I saw at this place.
At the job I left when Li'l Z was born, I was the assistant to the president and vice presidents of the company. They acted like every day was an episode of Mad Men. The rest of the office, however, seemed to think they working in The Office. After working for a bunch of big-name companies in NY, I was appalled at some of the behavior I saw at this place.
Someone needs to write a memoir.
Heh heh... come to think of it, some of the things I've seen over the years as a temp/receptionist/assistant over the years, I could probably write a really good book.

Fun fact: (I don't know if I mentioned this) I worked at Lehman Brothers (as in their head office in NY) when everything went down in 2008. That was... interesting.
Heh heh... come to think of it, some of the things I've seen over the years as a temp/receptionist/assistant over the years, I could probably write a really good book.

Fun fact: (I don't know if I mentioned this) I worked at Lehman Brothers (as in their head office in NY) when everything went down in 2008. That was... interesting.
Wow! I actually did work for Lehman in 2007. I managed to accidentally piss off the president/CEO/whatever he was. That was fun.
At the job I left when Li'l Z was born, I was the assistant to the president and vice presidents of the company. They acted like every day was an episode of Mad Men. The rest of the office, however, seemed to think they working in The Office. After working for a bunch of big-name companies in NY, I was appalled at some of the behavior I saw at this place.
I've been told I'm actually incredibly naive to the behaviour of some executives. I like to think I operate in a pretty ethical manner but my peers talk about which CEO is banging which secretary, who is having affairs with who, etc. It's strange because they're all F'ing ugly as hell (just loaded with cash) and my buddy and I, by far the youngest VPs around, are very tame in comparison.
Girl Meets World

Just watched the pilot. It was cute and had some clever writing. Some of it was a bit forced, like the obvious passing of the torch dialogue between Ben Savage and the new girl, talking about how he met his world and how it's hers now. But it still worked, overall. Some kind of lame jokes, but ones that I appreciated because I grew up on those lame kind of jokes in BMW and thus expected them.

Not sure about the kid actors yet. To be honest, I felt like I knew Maya (the best friend) more than Riley by the end. Also, the obsessive drama kid who's in love with both girls needs some major tweaking to his character or given the boot altogether. Farkle just isn't working. I think they were trying to go for a Eric Matthews feel with the character but it just falls flat.

But yeah, overall, it's enough that I'll keep watching it for now.

Of course, 90% of that may have been for the cameo at the end that made me stand up and cheer.


Which honestly made the passing of the torch complete to me.
Don't expect anything to get better with the kids. If you've ever seen other Disney Channel live-action stuff, the kid actors are always awful until they can break away from the channel. I don't know how they manage to get better once they're off. It's as if the directors tell them to over-act and mug too much for the camera and generally act as badly as possible so that kids watching can imitate it and call it acting, like how popular songs are really easy to sing.

I've seen too much of the crap that comes from that channel. Thanks, cousins. You've left scars that will never heal.
Don't expect anything to get better with the kids. If you've ever seen other Disney Channel live-action stuff, the kid actors are always awful until they can break away from the channel. I don't know how they manage to get better once they're off. It's as if the directors tell them to over-act and mug too much for the camera and generally act as badly as possible so that kids watching can imitate it and call it acting, like how popular songs are really easy to sing.

I've seen too much of the crap that comes from that channel. Thanks, cousins. You've left scars that will never heal.
Oh, I've seen how bad all these kid actors have been. I have a little more faith since Michael Jacobs is heading this one up. He created Boy Meets World, too. It's a small hope, but it's hope nonetheless. The nostalgia factor might keep me going on this, anyway.
Penny Dreadful

From everything I'd been hearing about this show, I thought it'd be right up my alley. Unfortunately, the show's horrendously glacial pacing turned me off. Not to mention that everyone's being all hush hush about EVERYTHING, including names, that I had no flipping clue who anyone was. I didn't even know it was Victor Frankenstein they were talking to until the end when he woke up his monster. Not to mention half the dialogue feels like they're trying to make the intelligent types sound intelligent, but it just winds up being a lot of meaningless dialogue.

I don't think I'll bother with another episode.
Up to s4 in Breaking Bad. It's hard to keep going because I know some new fresh Hell is waiting for everyone in each new episode.

All in all, the only people I still feel bad for are Junior and Holly. One just wants his family to get along and the other's too young to know anything about anything.

Just finished the episode where
Walt gets Junior the new car and Skyler is forcing him to take it back. I'm scared of the next episode.