Still getting ridiculously good reviews and either way, it's a shame it's not getting on more screens either way. It should be getting tons of support.Actually, that movie's getting completely buried due to internal struggles with the distributor / director. It's a miracle the director's cut is even getting out, originally Weinstein was going to release a fucked up, most likely much worse version he cut.
Here's my favorite critic run down about the new Boringformers film:
Thats why I'm not wasting my money on it. The same review cites the "joy" found in the third film, where it was at least having fun with the destruction. Pain and Gain showed Bay actually can make a tight, strong film, this is just a giant cash grab and it's to bad Bay isn't' making more films like PAin and Gain, and less like Transformers.Age Of Extinction’s sense of creative burnout is amplified by the fact that it follows on the heels of one of Bay’s best (and, not coincidentally, tightest) films, Pain & Gain, a nasty, vigorous movie about the big, dumb American Dream. If Pain & Gain—a long-gestating passion project that seemed to take its narrative and stylistic cues from Casino—showcased all of Bay’s strengths, Age Of Extinction plays like a catalogue of his weaknesses… ...A viewer can’t help but get the feeling that Bay is tired of making Transformers movies.