[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)


Staff member
I just know that as soon as I give in and craft a couple Acolytes of Pain that I'll start getting one in every pack.
TIL that when you play Arena, it's possible to get more than 2 of a card.
This led to some ... amusing moments.
(I was playing Priest, and I can only imagine the look on the other guy's face when I cast my third Shadow Word: Death during a game)

I've faced a mage with 5 flamestrikes. Luckily I was hunter and picked mostly to the face minions and she only had flamestrikes in hand so couldn't fight back but most of the time I would have been screwed.
Wow what a game I just had!! Playing a Freeze Mage against a typical Druid deck, I was down to one health. He'd already gone through my two Ice Blocks and I was sitting at 1 health. He was at 7 health after I had smacked him with some enhanced ice damage and he had two cards in his hand. His minions and himself are frozen and it all came down to whether he had direct damage cards in his hand.

Out comes... Deathwing. Breathing a sigh of relief I hit "Well Played" and cast Pyroblast to end the game. One more turn and I would have been toast for sure. Even better the win was the last I needed to complete two 5 win Mage quests, ending with 120 more gold.

It was third from the bottom, turns out.[DOUBLEPOST=1404782800,1404782766][/DOUBLEPOST]

Also, your shaman hard countered my warrior.
My Shaman hard-counters a LOT of decks. The best line of the game was when you typed "Who plays Forked Lightning?!?"

I do, dammit! Have to deal with aggro decks early or they run me over. Always hated that I didn't have enough answers and never drew my Lightning Storm early enough to deal with them.

The deck is built to switch between control and aggro depending on what I am facing.
Yup. Priest got cocky and played one of his clerics early and the second cleric on turn 3.
My turn 4 was Multi Shot. He didn't concede, but he didn't win, either.



Staff member
Official pricing for Naxxramas is out.

700 gold for each wing.
$6.99 for individual wings

The Arachnid Quarter will only be free for the launch event, about a month. After that it will cost.

$24.99 for all five wings (but no one who plays during the launch will need to pay this price)
If you own 1 or more wings the remaining cost less, $19.99 for 4, $14.99 for 3, $9.99 for 2.

Still no official release date.
Well, NOW I'm going to start saving gold. Shouldn't be too hard if I save up since they haven't even come out with a release date.


Staff member
I love Amaz. He's fun to watch. He's definitely on my list of favorite Hearthstone streamers (Along with Noxious, GameCatt, DeerNadia, Applejacked and Sodapopis)
Day 9 is pretty bad. Only watched one or two Totalbiscuit videos and wasn't all that impressed by him either. Trump tends to do pretty well though, and his mellow demeanor is fun to watch, especially when he gets surprised by something.
I do not watch Day [9] for pointers. He says himself that he's terrible at the game, just someone who loves CCGs. I watch him to be entertained.

I could really care less about actual strategy.
I do not watch Day [9] for pointers. He says himself that he's terrible at the game, just someone who loves CCGs. I watch him to be entertained.

I could really care less about actual strategy.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I love watching TB and Day9, because they're fun to watch. But they're also really bad at the game :p
When you play Shaman, you have to ask yourself some very tough questions... like wtf does Al'Akir say?

"Takes what he needs it."

... That's what it sounds like to me.

I looked it up, apparently it's "Like swatting insects."
I had not gotten a chance to really play for weeks because I am scared all my crap cards will get me murdered, but you guys sure are getting me into watching hearthstone streams.

Amaz misdirecting a misdirect only for it to backfire on him was hilarious. Also that well played Trump match where at the end he finally gets his Deathwing, puts it down, only for his opponent to put Deathwing down too, basically killing off Trumps own Deathwing. Heartbreaking.
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I had not gotten a chance to really play for weeks because I am scared all my crap cards will get me murdered, but you guys sure are getting me into watching hearthstone streams.

Amaz misdirecting a misdirect only for it to backfire on him was hilarious. Also that well played Thump match where at the end he finally gets his Deathwing, puts it down, only for his opponent to put Deathwing down too, basically killing off Thumps own Deathwing. Heartbreaking.
Is Thump a cute nickname for Trump, or a different streamer? Because I've seen that happen with Trump.

The worst part is that deathwing had been mind-visioned by the priest he was up against, so the priest knew Trump had it, and was waiting.