And I also forgot to include the most recent gem. So, yeah, that's 2 left unaccounted for. I don't know if they're even bothering with specific aspects. The Mind Gem is pretty clear, and James Gunn has said that the one in GoTG is, in fact, the Power Gem, but the Tesseract and the Aether? Not really sure what they are specifically. I'm thinking the Aether may be the Space Gem, what with the ripping through various planes of existence, and the Tesseract may be the Reality Gem. They haven't really shown it doing anything other than being a power source.... OOO, but I just had a thought. What if it's the Time Gem and Red Skull wasn't actually killed, but shifted into the future? But, like I said, they may just be 6 equally all powerful McGuffins in the cinematic universe.