[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

Well I don't imagine it copies exterior buffs, but I'm sure it copies deathrattles, auras, bonuses, etc.
If the "copy" mechanic works the same way as Faceless (which I have every reason to expect it does, copying everything), then I want to know how it does the 1/1 part. If I "copy" a Bloodfen Raptor and then Silence the 1/1 copy, does the copy become a 3/2?



Staff member
It would be kinda pointless if it didn't.
Well, obviously if it's copying a Sylvanas, it's going to be a 1/1 with "stealin' yo' minion". But what if it's a Sylvanas wearing a Hat? Will it have the "get the hat back" deathrattle? Will it be buffed to a 2/2 because it's wearing the hat?
I see it potentially being popular in Dreadsteed decks.
I also see the Giant Sandworm being popular in Warrior decks, since it looks like it would have great synergy with Commanding Shout.

But the Giant Sand Worm is a Hunter card.
Ah, didn't notice that.
Well, if a Warrior gets hold of one somehow, look out.
In the meanwhile, expect the Hunter "board clear" to be Giant Sandworm + Bestial Wrath.
Or I can't wait for someone to put BW on a GS, start killing a Dreadsteed over and over again and then swoop in with a super-pumped Flesheating Ghoul for the win.



Staff member
Does anyone know where to get sound files for the League of Explorer's cards? I really want to have "Who's up for adventure?" from Finley Mrrgleton as my text message sound, but my usual source for Harthstone sounds, HearthHead, hasn't gotten around to LoE.
If anyone manages to win with Rafaam in the Tavern Brawl, let me know, because I don't know if it's possible. ;)
If anyone manages to win with Rafaam in the Tavern Brawl, let me know, because I don't know if it's possible. ;)
I've had two brawls, both as Kel-Thuzad. I won both of them using the same strategy.
Choose a good minion.
Play good minion.
Play duplicate.
Play no other minions.
Wait for enemy to kill good minion.
Spam duplicated minion/resurrected minion until victory is achieved.

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Staff member
If anyone manages to win with Rafaam in the Tavern Brawl, let me know, because I don't know if it's possible. ;)
I have, and I've lost as KT. It seems to depend a lot on RNG. If you never upgrade your staff, or get lots of Sir Finley and Captain Greenskin, it's going to be very hard to win as Rafaam. If you get your staff early, and get lots of OP legendaries, (like Onyxia, Dr. Boom, etc.) then you've got a much better chance.[DOUBLEPOST=1458767684,1458767644][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've had two brawls, both as Kel-Thuzad. I won both of them using the same strategy.
Choose a good minion.
Play good minion.
Play duplicate.
Play no other minions.
Wait for enemy to kill good minion.
Spam duplicated minion/resurrected minion until victory is achieved.

Haunted Creeper is a trap!
Ahahahaha I just got a clutch Mal'ganis from Bane of Doom after an Implosion when I had 1hp. The mage I was playing couldn't answer it right away, so I got to play KT the next turn and it was sweet sweet comeback victory.
So, how hard is it to get started with this game at this point? Are there any good resources for building a beginner deck without any of the xpac cards? Or will I just get steamrolled over and over again until I buy a bunch of packs.
Well they are going to retire cards and introduce a new xpac soon so the meta will change, but you can make a deck that is good enough to acquire coins to buy cards with the basic set.
So, how hard is it to get started with this game at this point? Are there any good resources for building a beginner deck without any of the xpac cards? Or will I just get steamrolled over and over again until I buy a bunch of packs.
With standard format coming out, there are fewer cards that you need to be able to play in that format. There are lots of resources for beginners, and there have been people that managed to take basic decks all the way to legend ranking.
So, how hard is it to get started with this game at this point? Are there any good resources for building a beginner deck without any of the xpac cards? Or will I just get steamrolled over and over again until I buy a bunch of packs.
So long as you complete your dailies, you will have a steady stream of gold, and the ability to acquire 3-4 packs/week (2-3 from gold + brawl).

But I have to be able to beat people to do my dailies. :cry: I get frustrated horribly easy now.

Any suggestions on good sites that have info on building a deck?
Kripp is good for arena advice. And he's not a bad caster at tournaments. But he's also kind of a shitty person on his own on stream. I've heard he's been trying to turn that around, so maybe he's better now.
One of the other reasons I love Kibler is that he greatly enjoys finding ways to buck the meta. He'll go back to meta for ranking, but he's always willing to play around with other things.
One of the other reasons I love Kibler is that he greatly enjoys finding ways to buck the meta. He'll go back to meta for ranking, but he's always willing to play around with other things.
Kibler also knows his stuff. He has background in TCG game design, being the lead designer of the old World of Warcraft TCG, and is the current lead designer of SolForge, which is another pretty fun pc card game.
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Kripp is good for arena advice. And he's not a bad caster at tournaments. But he's also kind of a shitty person on his own on stream. I've heard he's been trying to turn that around, so maybe he's better now.
He strikes me as somewhat of an arrogant prick. But much of his advice is useful and he is entertaining to watch, so I suppose I would categorize him as an e-jock in this era of e-sports. If he's actively trying to improve, then it might be working.

Does that mean you could end up buffing all the enemy minions?

It could summon 5 Huffers. It could Equality/Consecrate your side of the board (I guess). It could Healing Touch 8 times. Anything.

Devs have already announced that they go into their own queue, so they won't trigger Gallywix, etc. Still no answers about overload and +spell damage, or what happens if he Vanishes/Saps himself, though.

Blizzard has said the spells will be cast from the POV of the player that plays him, so he won't be able to consecrate your side of the board, since that is not targeted and always cast on the opponent.
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