[TV] Steven Universe (spoilers)

Reminder that tonight is a -22 minute- special episode. Starts at 7:30pm EST. Also, check out HSAU Onion there: he's totally a grumpy Home EC teacher.
Gem Harvest

Alright... the line "Aw, don't buy into that, Steven. I'll buy you a stick of pepperoni for your birthday," is the exact moment I lost it during this episode.

And hey, we learned a lot this episode too!
Fuck YEAH we did, everyone's theory that Universe wasn't an actual sur-name was correct (DEMAYO FOR LIFE), Steven has an cous-uncle who don't need a prescription to know how to ROCK, and we got a legit Thanksgiving episode! THIS! EPISODE! RULED!

WELP-*CLAP* see y'all in five months!
Another funny thing about the above image: It implies Greg is a virgin and that Steven was immaculately conceived. This... makes a lot of sense, really.
If not the usual way, what method did Rose use to procure Greg's DNA?

Theorycraft/fanwanking GO! To Tumblrrrrrrr
Why would she need his DNA? Gems are semi-animated space rocks; their entire bodies minus the gem are magical projections... and last time I checked, their entire method of reproduction is closer to farming than having a baby. It's likely that ether Steven only has his father's DNA (making him closer to a clone) or that whatever Rose contributed is entirely simulated.
Didn't she shape-shift a womb for Steven? Why would a vagina be too much of a stretch?
That depends on Greg, doesn't it? Ehhhhhhhhhh :p

In any case, that's only a theory. I thought it was funny that each of the Crystal Gems in the flashback espoused a conflicting fan theory about how Steven works, but also made sense to each of their personalities.

That said, the show didn't give any answers to those questions, and while most fans are willing to accept that we don't know, others assert their versions as canon, so you'll get situations where people say the shapeshifted womb theory is true.

It's a theory I agree with, but it's still just a theory.
Didn't she shape-shift a womb for Steven? Why would a vagina be too much of a stretch?
Simple: a womb isn't the real issue here, it's the lack of eggs to fertilize... which would essentially mean that Rose would have needed to...

- Understand how human reproduction works on a fairly high level (Rose and the Gems didn't seem understand what babies were, despite living on Earth for thousands of years, so this is unlikely)
- Understand how Human genetics works on a high enough level to make a working copy with the traits she wanted to give Steven
- Be able to successfully replicate a human egg (which aren't connected to the human body until fertilization occurs and should probably be impossible for her to sustain) well enough to not only function as an egg, but accept Greg's DNA AND carry it to term.
- Do the above without accidentally giving Steven some serious DNA damage or genetic problems like Down's Syndrome.

... which is why I'm leaning towards a purely magical immaculate conception, which makes more sense for Rose because it allows her to basically "magic" around most of these issues. She likely "faked" both Greg and her's traits, based on what she knew about him and her, as she grew Steven. This would explain some of Steven's physical issues too, like why he doesn't grow except when he thinks he should.

Also because it's WAY funnier.

Rose: "I'm Pregnant, Greg."
Greg: "WE'VE ONLY EVER KISSED!" *pulls out hair*

But really, ether theory works. I just think this theory works better within the setting of the show.
I'm more partial to the fusion theory of hard light particles of a gem and carbon based human material, as the gems have mentioned in the past that Steven shouldn't be possible, suggesting something more complex than shapeshifting, and that Amethyst said a gem can only shapeshifter for so long without major problems. can still be magical bullshitted into existence without gems' understanding complex human anatomy.

So I like the womb theory because it makes Steven's birth even sadder! :awesome:

At least we can agree that Pearl's "gem wrapped in a baby" theory is way off.
I'm pretty sure one of the crew said Rose shape-shifted a womb for Steven...unless it was Matt Burnett who said it, than don't believe his lies.
According to Guide to the Crystal Gems, which is written by the show runners, Rose did recreate a working reproductive system in order to create/birth Steven. They didn't get into the details of HOW accurate it was, so the question of where she would have gotten an egg still comes into play. I'm thinking her ability to build/sustain Steven may have a lot to do with her healing powers. But she was with Greg for a while, and considering she found out about babies before she met Greg, she may have done some research about human reproduction. It's not like she couldn't go to the library.
THAT'S the thing, okay yeah. EITHER WAY-we all know when Steven was born there was massive light explosion, as proven by Greg's permanent tan....also she thought about her dead pet lions and split into two beings, Steven and Lion making them-THE UNIVERSE BROTHERS! I WILL NOT STOP!
The one theory I believe is that Steven is his own being, that Rose didn't dissapear because she became him, but because the stress of keeping a shifted form for 9 months put a tole on her body destroying her.