[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


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The Accountant. I honestly thought I would hate this movie. It's a stereotypical "only one man can save the day" kind of movie. But it's a bit more than that. I won't give anything away, but the action is there but is almost a secondary part of the film. You take movies like Bourne and the action is integral to the plot and everything else is pretty tightly wound around that. In The Accountant, the action is necessary but has a totally different feel to it, at least to me. There was nothing really surprising about it, but it was done well. I have some problems with the "medical" side of things, but that's just Hollywood being overly simplistic and sentimental.

Way better than I thought it was going to be.
Tusk was stupid, but strangely entertaining.

Yoga Hosers might be the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
I swear this movie is just a vehicle for Depp and Smith's kids. One speaks French for no reason, they sing, and then Ralph Garman does a bunch of kind of okay impressions while he exposition dumps all over about 15 minutes of the movie.

I'm glad Smith can just make whatever he wants, but it would be nice if he made good stuff that he wants to make.
Washed the stink of Yoga Hosers off with Hotel Transylvania 2. I hate that I didn't give this or the previous movie (which I haven't seen yet) a chance, because it was fantastic. Hilarious, fun, and the animation was so expressive it amazed me. Definitely need to get ahold of the first movie now.
I swear this movie is just a vehicle for Depp and Smith's kids. One speaks French for no reason, they sing, and then Ralph Garman does a bunch of kind of okay impressions while he exposition dumps all over about 15 minutes of the movie.

I'm glad Smith can just make whatever he wants, but it would be nice if he made good stuff that he wants to make.
His next project is Moose Jaws. Jaws with a moose.

That could go either way.
Washed the stink of Yoga Hosers off with Hotel Transylvania 2. I hate that I didn't give this or the previous movie (which I haven't seen yet) a chance, because it was fantastic. Hilarious, fun, and the animation was so expressive it amazed me. Definitely need to get ahold of the first movie now.
The first one is better, in my opinion. The second one felt a bit forced. Both of them are better than they have a right to be.

His next project is Moose Jaws. Jaws with a moose.

That could go either way.
Yeah, I'm not even going to expect anything decent out of it. On top of that there's Clerks 3 and the Mallrats sequel he apparently is now shopping around as a tv show or something, so I'm really on the fence about his future projects.


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Just saw Arrival. Not a bad movie but nothing in it really surprised me. I think maybe I'm getting jaded to movies now. I had to explain things to my friend, which surprised me.

Oh, and I had to tell someone to shut their kid up. They brought their 4 (5?) year old child to the movie and the kid kept speaking in a loud voice at the beginning. That's the second time to a theater in the last few weeks where I actually stood up and said something to someone for making noise. Both times felt really great.
Saw Bad Santa 2.

Lacked any charm of the original.

Complete and total trash heap waste of a film.

Wish I hadn't seen it.
Kung Fu Panda 3 is a great way to cap off the movies, and I honestly hope it's the last one. It was funny, the action was a treat to watch, and the cinematography and use of color was outstanding.
I honestly found 3 kind of a dud. Not, like, Shrek the Third levels of bad, but i didn't catch me like the first two did.
To go full DBZ he'd have to spend the entire 4th and half of the 5th movie charging a spirit bomb.
Nah, that'd be if the SHOW went full DBZ, if the movies went full DBZ they'd have to not take place during any of the actual series, causing fans to speculate for YEARS about whether this was an alternate timeline or not...also have a kick-ass finishing move that will never be used in the show for...some reason.
It Follows

Finally got to see this, and it was genuinely scary. I've seen so many horror movies, and I can't remember the last time one of them was genuinely scary.
It Follows

Finally got to see this, and it was genuinely scary. I've seen so many horror movies, and I can't remember the last time one of them was genuinely scary.
Yeah, it does a great job of laying this foundation of dread and then just building on it through the whole movie.

Then it hits you with that door scene. My stomach sank, it was the first time in awhile a movie gave me that genuine "oh fuck that" sense of fear maybe ever.
I house sat for my folks who have all the movie channels so I saw most of a few movies.

How to be Single

Kind of boring overall. I like that it's kind of a reverse romcom where instead of her trying to get the guy it's her getting over the guy and being fine with the idea of not actively dating someone. There's more going on like with her sister and friend though it's not super interesting. Her sister decides to have a baby by herself and happens to find some super good looking dude who is all in so yay for not actually having to be a single mother like she wanted to. Her friend is just a selfish party animal who is still that way at the end of the movie but I guess that's fine? I dunno, this whole movie was just 2 hours of nothing but it's nothing happening in NYC so obviously that's way more interesting than nothing happening anywhere else. 4/10

The Last Witch Hunter

So the main problem with this movie is that it's set in a full world that is explored in all the wrong ways. Magic is real and some people can do shit with it and normal humans have a truce with them and this and that and there's the order of the cross and axe but I feel like it consists of just 2 people? Wait if Vin Diesel is this immortal killing machine why isn't he just the boss? Ok so why do all these spells have like bugs as a part of them? I get why Vin Diesel isn't phased by any of this but seriously let's take a moment to talk about whats happening. Well, it certainly feels like someone explaining what their modern day setting D&D game was like. 5/10 Plus points 'cause I feel like Diesel really tried to act the shit out of this.

Black Sea

Jude Law is some kinda british dude who get's a sub to find nazi gold but it's less fun and more suspenseful. The main problem is that they actually have a decent and almost foolproof plan but this is a suspense movie so obviously things have to go wrong. Ok so let's make half the crew russin gangsters because reasons and then let's have the sub break and they have to get a part from the downed nazi U-boat but which do they take? The gold or the part? Obviously they couldn't like...take the part back and start repairs while they slowly and carefully load the gold into the sub. DID SOMEONE SAY BETRAYAL? AWWW SNAP! Hey that guy spoke English the whole time! I hope you like watching people panic in rooms filling with water! 5/10.

I liked it better than I thought I would. Will Smith was enjoyable to watch as a doctor who discovered the relationship between football players suffering concussions and severe mental breakdowns frequently leading to death. Alec Baldwin was surprisingly good as a team doctor who tries to help prove it to the NFL and the public at large. You really felt the weight of the struggle against the massive resources the NFL had to fight with, without any of the characters turning into mustache-twirling obvious villains.
It didn't help that I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week, but Rogue One didn't really grab me that much. The pacing felt really off and I didn't feel investment in any of the characters.
It didn't help that I haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week, but Rogue One didn't really grab me that much. The pacing felt really off and I didn't feel investment in any of the characters.
I came out of it feeling the opposite- it was all shades of badass.
I mean, I fell asleep from sheer tiredness a few times and my brain filled in plot, but it's basically a Star Wars movie for the people who like to watch things explode. Which is fine.
Definitely enjoyed Rogue One! Without any spoilers, I do agree with Dei that the characters were a little underdeveloped, which is a weak point for a stand-alone film. But I thought the action was great, Donnie Yen steals every scene he's in, and LucasArts/ILM has brought their CG to a whole new level.