DID SOMEONE SAY ALL-STAR SUPERMAN?!I should probably start All-Star Superman. It's been in my to-read pile for four or five months now.
DID SOMEONE SAY ALL-STAR SUPERMAN?!I should probably start All-Star Superman. It's been in my to-read pile for four or five months now.
I am nowhere near as big a fan of Superman as Nick is. While I like the character & what he represents well enough I am rarely interested in actually reading any Superman comics. That said I consider All-Star Superman to be perhaps the greatest example of how good comics can be so far this century.I should probably start All-Star Superman. It's been in my to-read pile for four or five months now.
I can't decide if the white Knight Harley explanation is good satire or eye rollingly groany.[DOUBLEPOST=1510029259,1510029175][/DOUBLEPOST]Batman:White Knight- This is some DAMN good satire right here.
Foolish Bane, you can't seem to control-KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Lois Lane uses a gun...THE FUCK YOU STANDING AROUND FOR -buy it!
Honestly the weaker of the origins for the Dark Knights, but still pretty cool.
Justice League: Bats out of hell
Honestly more of a preview for the real fights, but Flash and Red Death's fight is AWESOME looking!
Green Lanterns-
And the SimonJess fans weep!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH-that's why their there, yeah that makes sense.
I should read this too. I thought the all-star stories were generally poorly regarded. Is that just Batman?I am nowhere near as big a fan of Superman as Nick is. While I like the character & what he represents well enough I am rarely interested in actually reading any Superman comics. That said I consider All-Star Superman to be perhaps the greatest example of how good comics can be so far this century.
Can't it be both?I can't decide if the white Knight Harley explanation is good satire or eye rollingly groany.
It's just Frank Miller's Batman and Robin.I can't decide if the white Knight Harley explanation is good satire or eye rollingly groany.[DOUBLEPOST=1510029259,1510029175][/DOUBLEPOST]
I should read this too. I thought the all-star stories were generally poorly regarded. Is that just Batman?
This was a genuine horror story. It helped that it remained focused, the one-shot just telling its story instead of bouncing back and forth between the origin and current events. Probably because we've already seen so much of The Batman Who Laughs in action. Tightly-focused nightmare fuel for a DC fan, and thematically unsettling as well. It's an interesting mirror to what they're doing with the Joker in Batman: The White Knight.The Batman who Laughs
EASILY-the freakiest out of all the origins of the Dark Knights...also from what I've read, TBWL MAY become a staple...and seeing what he did in his origin comic...yeah Multiverse 1 is in TROUBLE-again.
I don't think Watchmen's ending is ambiguous. The final image is the doomsday clock drenched in blood; Moore seemed pretty direct there.I like how they tried emulating Watchmen's tone, pace, style, and structure, but it's a poor emualtion like bad fan-fiction.
Not to mention completely shitting on the original's ambiguous ending in the opening pages.
This shouldn't exist. Period. Watchmen is fine as a standalone. Including them into the DCU adds nothing of value. They're just inevitable background and canon fodder for future events. They won't add anything of value in the long run. See also: Wildstorm & Milestone (with the exception of Static).
Batman Annual was sweet and funny most of the way ... and then sweet and heartbreaking for the last quarter of it.
Cut ahead decades from now to elderly Bruce and Selina, still having the same argument about when they first met. Between panels, it's clear Bruce has been diagnosed with a cancer of some kind. And he just rolls with it, and goes on about how that reminds me of some guy he used to train under. In that scene, Selena loses composure, because even though Bruce is droning on about ancient history, she realizes how much she's going to miss his droning and how he just goes along with what's happening. Helena is in this continuity of events. At one point, Bruce tells Selina to have Barry go to another Earth in the multiverse and find her another Bruce to take care of her, because he's on his death bed.
When he dies, she's at his bedside, and behind her are all the kids--Dick and Barbara, apparently together. Tim looks like he did in Return of the Joker movie. Jason, Damian, Cass, Stephanie, and one who might be Carrie Kelly, which implies some version of Batman going back into this crap happened, though probably not like in The Dark Knight Returns. It's just an incredible set of pages, giving Bruce a peaceful, happy end to his life. I have a feeling I'm going to have to drop off from this title years from now when Tom King leaves, because I'm sure the next writer will be eager to smash this continuity and do their own thing.
No Terry McGuinness or is this a non-Batman Beyond timeline or one of the ones with a dead Terry? Only asking because they made Time look like he did in Return of the Joker.
Didn't look too angsty to meGreen Arrow Annual
This was a fun Christmas special, still full of Green Arrow angst and violence...also Count Vertigo can FLY now? Weird.
Maybe? The panel above was just a dream, after all.Right, it was a good mix of light and dark elements....also that Teen Titans issue everyone's been dreading where Damian gets a crush on Emiko is gonna be TWICE as awkward now!
My favorite part, after all the stalling and excuses:Those last two pages...WERE GLORIOUS!
Alright, I'll give it a shot. It'll be the first of his books that I purchase though, since the rest of these were either gifts or in Descender's case, belonging to my wife. I felt I had to throw that in in case anyone wondered why I kept buying books by someone I didn't care forAt least check out the first volume of Sweet Tooth. I haven't read Descender, so I don't what that's like, but I've enjoyed most of Lemire's non-DC/Marvel work.
(I know, Sweet Tooth is Vertigo and technically DC, but not same thing)