Yeah, I don't get some of the frankly insane overreactions to writing out Lois and Jon. Their absence is clearly part of the plot and not just an "I don't want to deal with these characters" situation, and we'll get a big arc bringing them back in the future. I also have no doubt that Bendis could write Lois Lane so I'm happy to see him focusing on Big Blue, and actually trying to give him a unique voice.I'm enjoying Bendis' Action Comics and Superman runs, but while I'm not as angry as most fans about the lack of Lois and Jon the scenes with Supes feeling sorrow at them being missing have a lax impact on me as Doomsday Clock shows they come back later making it barely drama at all. Out of all the things I want from a new Superman story(return of Kon-El, Lor-Zod being adopted by the Kents again, Clark hanging out with his friends like a god damned well adjusted person) Clark temporarily losing his family just so he can feel sad wasn't necessary. It ain't the worst Superman series mind you, the New52 stuff had the crappiness down pat, and like I said I'm enjoying it, but its gonna be a while before I can say if it even compares to the stories by Jurgens or Tomasi.
Heh, sad thing? I own more than half of that stack, myself.
This past Christmas. Can't really start it until I get into Morrison's Justice League though.Heh, sad thing? I own more than half of that stack, myself.
When did you get DC 1 Million? I didn't realize you had an interest in that.
I highly approve this pile, especially Strangers in Paradise and ElfQuest, since they're are two of my all-time favorites.My current comics-to-read pile. On the right is my library haul. On the left are purchased books, like the recently acquired LUMBERJANES deluxe editions.
Don't think my comics-to-read pile has ever been this large.
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1) It was just an example of two Image books.Chew's been over for almost 2 years.
What IS a good stopping point if I may ask, last book I was on was the third?Think I'm done with Saga. Just picked up the ninth trade and it was an absolute chore to get through.