[Movies] The DC Cinematic Universe - The David Zazlav Dumpster Fire.

I must be the target audience for trailers, because I always get excited for them. Sometimes I’ll lose interest in a film. Sometimes the ending will be blown. But I’ve come to appreciate the presentation of trailers, especially in action films that more often incorporate the action into the beat of the music choices.
I’m on a different wavelength than everyone else I guess. I want it to be good, I really do, but I’m not sold yet. The nostalgia is strong in the teaser, but that’s not going to sell a movie to me. Again, I want this to be good.
It at least looks like it has heart, which I was worried would be missing in a post-2k superhero movie.
The glimpses of Clark have him looking vulnerable and "human," which I also appreciate.
Like @Sparhawk , though, I'm withholding final judgement until after I see the movie. So...maybe by 2030 or so?

If anyone is on the fence about the trailer, I just saw this quote:
Earlier this week, Gunn ... said what you just watched was about as close to the movie as he could get without spoiling it. “I was incredibly rigorous with the trailer,” he said. “And it went through a lot of iterations until I was happy with it. And there was only one thing that was on the forefront of my mind [and] that was the trailer has to be an authentic representation of what the film is. It doesn’t have to have every single element that’s in the film, obviously, but it has to show what is the basic essence of the movie and the story we’re telling. And I think that it does that, but it took a lot of work to get there.”
So, some people may love this Superman, and for others, it might not be for them. But it's not going to be a bait-and-switch, thematically, anyway. I'm hoping for the best. Gunn surprised the hell out of me with the first Guardians, and those films became Mr. Z's favorite in the MCU. I'm hoping he'll have the right touch for Superman.
The Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy and The Suicide Squad were so good that I am optimistic. But cautiously so; this is Warner Bros. after all. They have earned our collective disdain.