[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

Alien Romulus

Really liked the first 1/2. Didn't care for the last 1/4 of the movie. Haven't seen anything between this and alien3 so maybe I missed something. Big fat meh.

An animated film about a group of animals navigating a catastrophic flood. No dialogue other than animal sounds and body language (which they captured perfectly). The main character is a cat, so I've seen the movie compared to the game Stray a lot, and they do have the same vibe. They mostly behave like animals with some slight anthropomorphic stuff. Some interactions are human-like and they learn how to steer a boat, but it's not a "talking animals" movie. Beautiful film, with a strong feeling of "magical realism". It doesn't explain everything that is happening, which is very refreshing these days. I saw one review complain that there was no explicit lesson on the dangers of climate change, and... dude, just chill out and let the movie exist, not everything has to be lectures and checkboxes and a quiz at the end. It's the kind of movie that makes you think about what it's trying to say, with cute animals.

Also, the movie was made entirely in Blender by a small team, so that's very cool.
A very entertaining movie. If you have watched any adaptation of Dracula you know the generell direction of the movie even though this one has a lot more sex in it. Don't expect a gore fest where people gets torn apart left and right. It's a lot more atmospheric but not boring. However there are scenes that made me laugh thanks to Mel Brooks's parody.


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Monkey Man

For the first half I thought this was an unremarkable revenge movie; not bad but I was thinking that the movie really needed to change something up if it was going to go another hour. Change things up it did.

This movie has got some style, and the villains are distressingly relevant. Also, it says Trans Rights.

I don't know enough about the religions of India to know if it did right by the original mythology, but it is interesting to see an English language action film inspired by Hindu stories.

Overall, it was really good.
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Finally got around to watching Dune part 1.

Hmm... I think I can see why lots of people liked it, but after finishing it, I just feel like it wasn't really for me. It was well acted, the designs were interesting, and the universe is deep and rich, but I just didn't really feel much as I was watching it, you know? The attack on Arrakis? Lots of explosions and sword fights, but it didn't have an emotional impact on me. Duncan Idaho's last stand? Very noble and brave, but again, I didn't feel much. The climactic fight against that Fremen dude? Well choreographed, but again I didn't feel anything. The special effects were fine, but when Paul and Jessica were standing in awe in front of a gigantic sandworm's open mouth, I felt no awe at all.

Also, apparently Paul gets psychic visions a lot, but this just means there are lots of random shots of things that may or may not mean anything, who knows. Shots of Zendaya smiling? Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't. Shots of a vague future war? Maybe it means something, who knows.

Maybe it's a problem with me, like maybe I just didn't go in with the right mentality, or perhaps I would need to have read the books to truly appreciate what I was seeing. But, in the end, it's a well-acted and well-shot movie that left me feeling strangely hollow and uncaring when the credits rolled, like my brain wasn't interested in dissecting what I'd just watched, and just wanted to think about something else now. Oh well.

Rebecca Ferguson is really hot though.


Staff member
Maybe it's a problem with me, like maybe I just didn't go in with the right mentality, or perhaps I would need to have read the books to truly appreciate what I was seeing. But, in the end, it's a well-acted and well-shot movie that left me feeling strangely hollow and uncaring when the credits rolled, like my brain wasn't interested in dissecting what I'd just watched, and just wanted to think about something else now. Oh well.
I've read Dune (though not any others) and I still felt very similar to you after having recently watched Dune part 2. Beautiful cinematography, special effects, and people. Solid acting, good action, and there's clearly a well developed world. I don't really care about any of it.
Coincidentally, I was looking on my server yesterday and said "oh, i should get finally get around to watching part 2," queued it up, and went "oh..i've already seen it. I guess it didn't make much impact."
Captain America: Brave New World

That was pretty good. If I ranked it with the other Cap movies, I'd say third place, above Civil War (which I enjoyed, but didn't think was great).

The middle part dragged, taking way too long with the villain reveal, but the main event was worth it.

Not a perfect movie, but it was all right.
The Gorge

That was totally wicked! Just a really solid action flick that basically delivers as advertised. There's nothing really special or groundbreaking about it, but it's a ton of fun. The two leads have good chemistry with each other, and I liked the extended sequence where they communicate across the gorge with little to no spoken dialogue. As the trailer teases, they also wind up in the gorge and spend a lot more time in it than I expected. A lot of really neat special effects and lore than I expected, too.

Again, it's nothing special, but it's one of those great popcorn flicks that takes a neat concept and executes it well. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the mood for a solid popcorn flick.
The Gorge

That was totally wicked! Just a really solid action flick that basically delivers as advertised. There's nothing really special or groundbreaking about it, but it's a ton of fun. The two leads have good chemistry with each other, and I liked the extended sequence where they communicate across the gorge with little to no spoken dialogue. As the trailer teases, they also wind up in the gorge and spend a lot more time in it than I expected. A lot of really neat special effects and lore than I expected, too.

Again, it's nothing special, but it's one of those great popcorn flicks that takes a neat concept and executes it well. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the mood for a solid popcorn flick.
At this review I decided to give it a go. Even renewed my Apple TV account to see it. Have to say I agree on Nick’s thoughts. It’s a fun movie. Definitely gets dark and horrific at times. I would have enjoyed seeing this in theaters, especially with the incredible shots of the gorge.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Fun movie, not very deep or complicated, but a pleasant experience nonetheless. Lots of Nintendo fanservice slathered all over the place, which I'm fine with.

Peach is really hot, although did that plot thread about her origins just sort of get dropped?
The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Fun movie, not very deep or complicated, but a pleasant experience nonetheless. Lots of Nintendo fanservice slathered all over the place, which I'm fine with.

Peach is really hot, although did that plot thread about her origins just sort of get dropped?
I'm going to be honest with you, I -think- I enjoyed that movie while I was watching it, but it's such a manufactured piece of disposable consumption that I have no memory of what happens in it.
I'm going to be honest with you, I -think- I enjoyed that movie while I was watching it, but it's such a manufactured piece of disposable consumption that I have no memory of what happens in it.
Perfectly understandable. I actually watched it about a week ago and only just remembered to post about it today.
Star Trek Nemesis

...yyyyyeah.... not the best. Like, the action scenes were good, but as a book end for the TNG era it just didn't feel right, the least of which because of that Troi scene as...WHY?! LEAVE HER ALONE STAR TREK WRITERS!