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Also, I'm listening in on the HFs D+D game. Someone just said they were going to slather something on a rod. And it made me giggle.

Wasabi Poptart

Not so much a win, but it's damn funny.

I was taking my son out of my car today. When I lifted him up, his head hit my chest. As I set him down, he was rubbing his face. I asked what was wrong. His reply: "Lily's milk poked me in the eye".

Spent the day with my awesome three-year-old nephew, Jack, who I haven't seen in almost a year. He was scared of me when he first got out of the car, but he warmed up really quickly and we were laughing and playing all day.

Most awesome moment of the day was when my step-sister-in-law came up to us, and the following conversation happened:

Her: "Hey, Jack, wanna go to the park?"
Him (playing with his toy cars with me): "No."
Her: "Are you sure? It's near the ocean!"
Him: "No."
Me: "Well, Jack...if we go to the park, you can roll your toy cars down the slide!"
Him (eyes go as big as dinner plates): "They go superfast!?!"
I decided I'm going to ask out the girl I have a crush on, who also happens to be one of my best friends right now. Consequences be damned.


Staff member
Good luck, man!

Had a nice talk with the fellow about the future this past weekend. No details, but sufficed to say... Something tells me I'll be donning the shiny shackle a lot sooner than I thought. It's crazy to think about, but also very nice.
Things in the world of romance are finally smiling upon me. I've met a girl at my college who is a redhead, gorgeous, a lover of horror movies and she's told me that she wants to catch a movie sometime.

After four high school years of "let's just be friends", this is most excellent! This may just be a start, but at least it's better than what I've had the past four years!


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Now, all you people keep in mind that I still have a year of school left here, and I'm not about to spend that year doing any planning. So you have ample time to find a ride. :p
Yay, CG!

Had a great weekend with girlfriends in north Louisiana and an EVEN BETTER welcome back night @ home with the man ;)


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Depending on when it is, I would like to come. Coming from Raleigh, so I could scoop a few people up as I make the trek (looking at you, Den!)


Staff member
Frickin awesome. :D

I love all you guys, but Kev, if you could come whenever it does happen it would especially mean a lot. :hug:


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and in other news, Lizzie, my friend from England, finally found a job! YAY for her! She's been trying for so long to find one, and all her effort has paid off. :) Time to do a dance.
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