Lego News

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To build up the media and industry momentum for Toy Story 3, no doubt. Regardless, this is awesome. I don't recall LEGO ever using licensed characters not from Lucasfilms, besides Batman. And Toy Story fits LEGO perfectly. Retoyed toys!


escushion said:
Duhr, forgot that one. And upon further investigation, Superman hasn't been officially LEGO'd yet. Not that I mind.
I love lego. Just throwing it out there.

If I won the lottery, one of the first things I would do is buy a cube van full of lego.
It's funny I love legos and yet I don't own any. I get urges to just go and buy boxes full of legos but I have yet to act on those urges.
It's funny I love legos and yet I don't own any. I get urges to just go and buy boxes full of legos but I have yet to act on those urges.
The last time I actually bought Lego was a little over a year ago, when we were essentially just waiting for my grandmother to die. I needed something to do, and build lego was as good a candidate as any.

Although, every time I go to Wal*Mart, I spend a few minutes drooling in the lego section. I'm sure some mothers believe me to be a pedophile.
It's funny I love legos and yet I don't own any. I get urges to just go and buy boxes full of legos but I have yet to act on those urges.
The last time I actually bought Lego was a little over a year ago, when we were essentially just waiting for my grandmother to die. I needed something to do, and build lego was as good a candidate as any.

Although, every time I go to Wal*Mart, I spend a few minutes drooling in the lego section. I'm sure some mothers believe me to be a pedophile.[/quote]

Every time I got to Wal-Mart I spend forever looking at all the toys. At times I complain how cheesy the toys look and complain about how they look and I spend the rest of the time wishing I could blow my whole paycheck on them.


Also I though this comic would be fitting for this thread

There's technically no way for your single puny mortal mouth to form the sounds necessary to pronounce Cthulhu correctly.
IMHO, some of the licensed sets have been really nice.

Though, I imagine the really important thing is that there are some amazing sets out there that don't have anything to do with a license:

All of these are currently available.


I'll see if I can find pictures of my old Lego town. I demolished it like two years ago to make room in the basement, but it was the square footage of a ping pong table. Right now I have a 50 gallon bin filled to the brim with all my old lego sets. I think my favorite sets of all time are the trains. I fuggin' loved the Metroliner set. It was my most prized possession growing up.
I'll see if I can find pictures of my old Lego town. I demolished it like two years ago to make room in the basement, but it was the square footage of a ping pong table. Right now I have a 50 gallon bin filled to the brim with all my old lego sets. I think my favorite sets of all time are the trains. I fuggin' loved the Metroliner set. It was my most prized possession growing up.
That would be cool to see.

For my part, I need to get my general clutter under control before I can replace it with proper Lego clutter.
LEGO's are the ultimate toys... but those thieving kindergarden kids stole some stuff from our set when my brother took some horses and lego men to play with them in class... kids are bastards. But it was nice to see he didn't want to give any of the lego we have left when we were cleaning up a few days ago (he's 20+ now).

Kitty Sinatra


I gotta buy some Lego. I love that Hotel and the Christmas scene.
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